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K Jah
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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 17:50 Edited at: 11th Aug 2005 17:55
I think it would be great if we could get a team going to make an FPS based on the Aliens movie.

We'll need a modler
Someone to do textures
Someone to textures
Someone to do sounds
A level designer
And someone who knows the movie like the back of their hand.

The sooner we get a team together the sooner we can get this project rolling. We can use this to promote our skills in the gaming world. Who will join me!

I'll bring it all together at the end, and those who help will be fully credited. Hey we may even be able to do more colabs and make money.

Join me by sending an email to or posting here we will continue the project at my forum on a password protected board. - my site - my forum
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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 20:59
Need more info before I would commit to it. Plus you have to remember the detail of what you're asking. Details like mouths coming out of mouths, voice actors, AI with new movements (like climbing), new HUD, Multiple enemies and guns, vehicle (!?!) and instead of levels there will be ships (which is actually convenient for a teams puposes. It's a whole lot of work to commit to, though. So more details would be great. I'm all about a team creating something truly unique and excellent.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 21:03
BTW I'm good with sound (mainly music, but sound FX are possible for me, just less XP)and textures as well as conceptual design. I'ld honestly prefer an original game to one that's been done before...

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K Jah
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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 22:17
Mouths coming out of mouths can probably be done, who needs voice actors when you could just rip straight from the movie, HUDs can be done, multiple enimies can be done as can guns but not vehicles. So I was thinking something losely based on the aliens film, like if one of the colonists tried fighting off the aliens before the team gets there. Gets out the colony then goes to the alien's ship kills more aliens etc, you know; a behind the scenes aproach. - my site - my forum
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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 22:26
Sort of like the matrix revolutions game? I like the idea. I found a major problem though. It might not be a good idea to use a copyrighted product without having their permission. Make it more loosely based and take the name Aliens from it...come up with new 'aliens' to fight, a good hero, some sweet weapons, a good story and you'll be on your way to something really cool that could be used to advertise yours as well as others talents. (Just to warn you, this may attract flames because Halo is based off of Aliens so I wouldn't tell anyone that's what it was based off of...)

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 12th Aug 2005 20:46 Edited at: 12th Aug 2005 20:59
Quote: "Just to warn you, this may attract flames because Halo is based off of Aliens "
Doesnt seem like it to me.

@kw games studios
Hey. I got your email. Dont worry, I'm still making you logo, but I got like 4 emails the same day so i need some time to make them. I just need to know some stuff. Do you have any of your own pics you want me to use? What do you want it to say. Do you have any ideas of a background you want. I have lots. I also can make other stuff for sites like deviders and overlay buttons. But I cant do that right now too busy. Sorry.

DA CheiF

temporarely not accepting logo/banner requests.
Maybe next week. sorry. Got a lot to do.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2005 20:58 Edited at: 12th Aug 2005 20:59
Edit - I Removed My Post

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Posted: 12th Aug 2005 22:00
@Da Cheif...

Think about it for a sec...little alien critters that attach to the face then create a new monster from the host and from what I hear, the wart hog is also based off of an 'Aliens' vehicle or phrase or something. Besides, Bungie admits it. Just go to and ask them. I'm a forum troll there, trust me.

If you have pics for the game, I want to see them too!

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K Jah
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Posted: 12th Aug 2005 22:53 Edited at: 12th Aug 2005 22:53
@MaddA Chief -
Sorry I don't have any pics yet but I can get some to save you the trouble if you want. I'm no good at slogans and if the background was green going to black as though the green had been ripped away.

KW - my site - my forum
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 01:25
You could call it "Aliens:Back Track" I think that would say a lot about it without saying too much.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 01:30
I still want to hear some good story stuff. I would be mor einclined to wanna help definitely if I knew what the challenges would be and cool ideas I might have for it. BTW I posted some about this in another thread, so I'm all about teaming with people to make something worth while. One of my biggest priorities would be to lay down some sweet driving rock tracks for the game. Most FPS's have little to no good music in them and I want music that feels as aggressive as what I'm doing without having to pop a CD in!

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 05:23
If you would to get pics that you want in your banner, you can dont have to tho. I could think of a slogan for you. I will start on your banner asap.

temporarely not accepting logo/banner requests.
Maybe next week. sorry. Got a lot to do.
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 10:28 Edited at: 13th Aug 2005 10:28
Has anyone realised that team requests (unless they have considerable work to show) are strictly not allowed? I'm suprised this thread hasnt been locked already. As well as this, it shouldn't be in the showcase section anyway, since you've got nothing to showcase.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 11:23
I've never been a big fan of penut butter. Your post was useless Jiffy. Go be a forum tattle/annoyance somewhere else.

I have some cool ideas drawn up. I have a ship planned out with some cool ideas for objectives and even a semi story.

You start at the front of the ship waking up and not remembering what happened (always good for story telling), all the power is off so the first objective is to get power online and life support back up. Along the way you fight 1 or 2 aliens, but more get a little aquainted with the surroundings with glimpses of where fighting happened. Once the power is on you check the cryostasis chamber to find that most of the crew have broken loose of theirs and you have to kill the rest by shutting down the cryo. Then you find out what happened on the bridges log. From there you are in it deep. You must arm yourself well, avoid the little face suckers, power the ship down and rig the engines to blow befor you jetison out to the next part of the story. What do you think....?

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K Jah
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 11:37 Edited at: 13th Aug 2005 11:37
I'll throw something together in Flash for everyone so they can can get a good idea of what i'm aiming for, don't expect anything great though, it will most likely be a few weapons pictures and maybe a concept alien, although i'm only good at drawing guns and other mechanical things. - my site - my forum
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 11:59
Hey im fairly good at modelling i wouldn't mind making the weapons and any still scenerey lol i cant texture or animate but if ya need a model of a weapon just ask

Ps why has the team request forum been taken out?

hello.........Hello...........HELLO......H E L L O!
K Jah
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 12:40

That story line rocks! Ithink it maybe just what i'm looking for, nice one.

Thanks alot.

Thankyou, i'll dend you a blue print or two - once i've drawn them unless Graucus wants to do them instead.


It is also now pretty important that we move work to my forum:
Those who are interested, sign up for accounts then email me or post here that you wish to join the team, i will then email you the password for the board which is entitled: Aliens Project - Team Board.
I think this is necessary because this thread has already seen some unusefull posts *cough* Jiffy. - my site - my forum
K Jah
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 12:41
Oops almost forgot. Graucus, if you still want to do sound then you are more than welcome to do so. I think your right about FPS games needing decent music. - my site - my forum
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 12:48 Edited at: 13th Aug 2005 13:59
Umm, Graucus... look, I didn't want to 'rain on your parade' or anything, but I have been here a lot longer than you have, and I am just giving advice. It's forum rules, after all. And I wasn't talking to you, either. Advice is not useless, Graucus. Mods get really mad when there are heaps of requests with nothing.

discostu - The team request board was taken out after it was getting overloaded with requests with nothing to show. It says in the team request rules that you should have some screenshots, models music or anything to show before you post a request. The requests in the board had nothing to show ever, and were just taking up forum space.

kw game studios - Look, I'm all for you asking for a request. And I understand if you haven't read the rules on team requests. I wasn't saying 'You're really stupid for posting with nothing', all I am saying is that, for future reference, try to have some stuff ready before you post. If your good at modelling, do a few models. If your good at stories, get up a bit of a story. If your good at whatever, get a bit of that done. I am sorry if I came off as a bit stand-offish, but I was just giving a bit of advice. I don't want to sound like Coldnews or Merranvo (jk, guys), so don't think of me as a nut.

EDIT: kw game studios - I wasn't trying to annoy you, but it's forum rules. I don't want people getting annoyed by moderators. If you don't want my advice, don't take it. I was only trying to help, and I'm hoping you wont hold this against me.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 12:55 Edited at: 13th Aug 2005 12:59
Lol @KW i only model weapons lol graucus can quite happily model the ships and aliens and wht ever else lol ill just model the weapons and un important stuff like pots and pans hehehe.

hello.........Hello...........HELLO......H E L L O!
K Jah
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 15:10
@ Graucus
Just wondering if you're goin to join, we really need someone to do sound, story plots etc.

KW - my site - my forum
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 15:27
come on Graucus plz
K Jah
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 19:52
We still need someone to do textures and sound. We also need a character modler. (If discostu doesn't feel up to it)

KW - my site - my forum
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 20:00 Edited at: 13th Aug 2005 20:01
hell no i aint character modelling lol ps i still need those pics kw the ones i sent you on the gun plz email em back they seem to have been deleted on ma machine
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 21:14
I am now starting your banner. I will be done in a little while.

temporarely not accepting logo/banner requests.
Maybe next week. sorry. Got a lot to do.
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 21:53
Wow this got a lot of posts quickly.

@Jiffy...sorry if I was rude. I understand what you're saying, but I'll try to get some stuff here soon so it will be a valid request. It's hard to distinguish between posts that are a waste of space and people trying to be genuinly helpful.

@everyone else.....

I CANNOT MODEL. I can draw and conceptualize, but not model. I could lay out the floor planfor to get a glimpse of the shape of the level I've been thinking of. I could even make a similar one in FPSC (at least shape wise).

I'm glad someone volunteered for this. I already have walls, tables, benches, doors, barriers, toilets, and a sink to be made...oh and a trashcan, bed and some miscilaneous stuff to add to the scenery where ever is appropriate.
I'm actually really glad you do that best, because it's the most important atmosheric force.

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K Jah
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 23:16
Thanks MaddA Chief

I'm sure I sent you those pics again. Well if not just email me and i'll send you them again.

@everyone else
We still need a character modler and someone to do textures - please help us out.

KW - my site - my forum
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 23:29
its ok i got it and i sent you the pics of the model so far
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 23:41
@Graucus: Rock tracks are awsome in a FPS makes a game flow really well i think it would be cool.

@Kw: Ok I have an idea for a story our main character is part of a mersenairy(soz about spelling) Group and they've been hired by "some bloke" to eliminate a terrorist group attacking his pipe lines on a perticular planet and when he gets there he finds that the terrorist are undersiege from the Aliens and our person has to work with the terrorist in order to survive and in doing so finds out something about his hirerer (spelling again LOl) and why the terrorists are attacking his so called pipelines.

Just a Thought

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 23:51
I have the background of you banner done, but it would help if I knew what the game is called. I can make the banner with one name, and if you decide to chage the name later, tell me and I will update the name on the banner.

Are you planning on selling this game? If you are I might be able to design the box/cover art. Its gonna be made with V1 right?

temporarely not accepting logo/banner requests.
Maybe next week. sorry. Got a lot to do.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 10:05 Edited at: 14th Aug 2005 10:05
You cant Have a game based on Alien. There are no guns.

Same Sh** Different Day
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 10:57
Guns can be designed around that future theme...easily.

Working with terrorist...not cool. Not an acceptable theme at all. Maybe the 'terrorists' are aliens, it's just that they don't know it...yet!

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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 11:24
We need a character modeller for sure, but we might need a little info first to tell them what they're getting into.

I would most likely want a charater with full armor....more like a futuristic swat/spec ops guy, and maybe some original aliens characters in geigeresk style. Some machinery with moving part would also be sweet! Some little guys probably 6 baddies max (that's all you need)....

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K Jah
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 12:49
There are in Aliens, if there weren't any guns we wouldn't be doing this. - my site - my forum
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 12:50
umm, bigadd, I think they were refering to the second film, 'Aliens' where a colony on that planet that the first xenomorph camefrom has been attacked by the Xenomorphs (the aliens), then earth marines are sent in to wipe them out.

But they already realised that they'd be breeching copyright or something so they are now just making a game with aliens in it.


Reza Kaze

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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 19:33
Do you have a name yet for the game KW? Your banner can be finished as son as you give my the name.

temporarely not accepting logo/banner requests.
Maybe next week. sorry. Got a lot to do.
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Posted: 15th Aug 2005 08:27
We're starting on design and modeling right now, but no working title yet.

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K Jah
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Posted: 15th Aug 2005 11:33
@MaddA Chief,

No I don't have a name yet but i'll try and come up with one asap.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2005 14:29
yup lol just finished the model of the plasma rifle need a textureer please anyone
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 18:07
Texturer needed, please, anyone? The rest of the team will appreciate your effort, you will be fully credited, many rewards planned.

KW - my site - my forum
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 19:46
The post about the texturer seemed to work well. We should put one up for a character model. I have some ideas for the actuall aliens now!

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Shigidy Wigidy
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Posted: 19th Aug 2005 19:02 Edited at: 19th Aug 2005 19:05
I hope yall can pull it off, if you can plz make it freeware

[email] go to it if you want
K Jah
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Posted: 25th Aug 2005 22:54 Edited at: 25th Aug 2005 22:54
We are still in need of a character modeler, please help.


http://www.kwgamestudios - my site - my forum
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 26th Aug 2005 06:52
Sorry for no response dude. Will be done this weekend or earlier.

Sorry for the inconvieniance,
MaddA CheiF

I will email it to you and post it on the forums when done.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 05:16 Edited at: 29th Aug 2005 05:20
Here is your banner:

I can change the name to whatever you want anytime. Just email me or use the forums. Do you wnat the banner to say "Coming Soon"?

If this banner is not what you wanted, tell me. I will do my best to satisfy you.

Hope you like it,
MaddA CheiF
Roger Wilco
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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 21:46
While I on one hand ain't involved in this project, I think your banner looks very nice, Madda. But a pic of an alien in the right part wouldn't hurt.

One thing to look forward to:
The day FPSC v 1 is released
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 02:19
Just need to see what kw game studios says.

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