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Location: California
Posted: 12th Aug 2005 03:17
Well, I am trying to make it so you get a bio sample, and then u get another one, and there both needed to complete level, i named them 1 and 2 but when i do objective number, there both the same, i mean, i do 1 #1 And 2#2 but it doesnt work, Help me out plz

Biolistic Warfare - When the AI Gets out of hand, Hell Brakes Loose
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Posted: 12th Aug 2005 10:26
If you do them as 1 and 2, you have to make sure 1 is collected first. If not, I don't think the level will complete. I guess you may need to make the game linear because of this, though.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2005 19:02
If objectives are all same value, then any one of them will do. If they are different values then you must achive them all.

Objectives 1,1,1,2,3 = get at least 1 of 1 and you must get 2 and 3.

Clear? or muddy?

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Posted: 12th Aug 2005 20:56
I guess it's good, But what i'm saying is, I want both bio samples to be diffrent numbered objectives, but they arent ..Hmmmmm....

Biolistic Warfare - When the AI Gets out of hand, Hell Brakes Loose
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 03:17
Oh it works now, Meh, Thanks anyway guys

Biolistic Warfare - When the AI Gets out of hand, Hell Brakes Loose

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