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Joined: 12th Feb 2004
Location: Big Ass Castle
Posted: 12th Aug 2005 17:33 Edited at: 12th Aug 2005 17:36
Since DBpro can load md2 models and FPSC is created with DBpro, would that mean that FPSC can load and animate md2 models? I recently discovered that textures don't have to be tga in FPSC but in fact FPSC accepts all the texture formats that dbpro accepts. just curious. If not could one of you close to Lee Bamber ask if md2 support is possible. There are literally thousands of these animated and ready to go on the "Internets"

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Joined: 22nd Jul 2004
Posted: 12th Aug 2005 18:43 Edited at: 12th Aug 2005 18:46
A quote from another forum:

This post is from 2000-09-29
Think about this... if this format was outdated 5 years ago, why would you even try to use that old models today?

Quote: "> I don"t think using the MD2 format is a good idea, the format doesn"t
> support high-res models and its limitations on texture mapping are
> extremely lame. Not only that, but it has no support for bones or
> skeletal animation.
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Joined: 12th Feb 2004
Location: Big Ass Castle
Posted: 12th Aug 2005 19:29
Yeah, that statement is pretty true if that's what the guy doesn't like about the format. However there are some major advantages to the format as well. Bone animation is great, there is no question. What's cool about md2 format is the fact that its vertex based animation, so you can get some cool organic effects when animating. Lets say you want your caracters head to stretch and squash and transform or go flat or anything that requires the vertexes to drastically reposition themselves. Strict Bones animation won't allow that(unless you attach a bone to every vertex). of course I may be wrong in that statement.

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