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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Md2 Models PART 2 !

Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 15:40
Hi !

Why should we even want to use md2 models ? why should we want to make our own enemies ? I am really sick of trying and trying to get my selfmade model in the game. It just does not work.
The skin is not there and i of course dont even know how animating is handled in fpsc. model animation to character animation.

i postet this several times the last 2 weeks but NO ONE replied to my questions. why ?
- Dont you know how to make this ?
- Or do you know that its not even possible to make completely unique games ???

For my part , I want to make my OWN game. With my textures , models , entities , weapons , sounds and screens and decals and so on. I think its not possible. thats very sad !

nough said !

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 16:29
Mr Flowerkohl,

Fair comment - though FPSC has not been designed from the bottom up to specifically meet the needs of those wishing to make unique games using all of their own content. Its not even - particularly designed to meet the needs of any kind of indie game developer of any stature. Thats a commercial decision on the part of FPSC. Its designed for click and play - aimed at a mass market and generally people who will buy it because they have a general interest in games and may like to have a go at doing so for the purpose of non professional and entertainment use - and they can now do so - that aim V1 will meet. TGC Objective achieved.

The rest of us have a bonus - we have a low cost engine we can use and with a lot of hard work (just like any other engine) maybe achieve what we could not with any other indie engine - make a game of something like a commercial title quality.
Thats the situation.

Now as to wishing to see FPSC become more - so that it meets with the needs of everyone including serious game makers and also accommodating the requests made for additional features and functions to satisfy all of those is a rather larger task.

You will have to have patience beyond V1 I'm afraid and make your requests following its release. There is no point in requests regarding features until then - V1 feature set is now fixed. Though debate and comment - well thats your right.

In fact I would agree that if possible it should be easier for more people to get their own content into FPSC including various types of Animated entities.

I myself like MD2 and many other formats - unfortuntely in the case of MD2 its not a format you are likely to see future professional game engines use a great deal. Its use is more likely to likely to diminish than not.

It certainly is possible now to : Make your own games with your own textures , models , entities , weapons , sounds and screens and decals and so on. True its extremely time consuming and sometimes difficult and you may need to have and master a lot of additional software as with any other indie engine.

Hopefully following V1, when by and large its product objectives will have been achieved - development can proceed that will provide perhaps more in the way of support for those wishing to take a more professional approach to unique game making by including easier implimentation of your own media in V2.

Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 17:45
Thanks for the answer !
But the point is, there are no tutorials or docs for how to implement own content.
Dont get me wrong, FPSC is a great product. But i think even the EA Version has sooo much more to bring than mentioned.
Perhaps its possible to include 10000+ Polygon meshes.For an Enemy i.e.
Then , Texturing is quite easy...ko you have to convert and back to dds. But thats no problem also.
The only thing is really ....enemies ! implement, skin effects, animation paths ... !
Ever read the fpe file ? there are many funny numbers at the lower of the file.... like
80, 180
and so on.

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 18:58
Mr Flowerkohl, download fragMOTION here

and follow the tutorial here

I was able to import my md2 model, re-skin it in fragmotion and export it as an x model and the texture WAS intact in FPSC. Follow the animation tut as well. This is a very FPSC friendly program.
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 19:33
Thanks..i`ll check this out now.
Maybe with the new physics pack i will really be able to create my brutal soccer chainsaw game
( in first person. the ball physics are very simple i think. you just have to kick it away. okay and if this doesnt function , you have to pick it up ) and if someone is in your way, start the chainsaw and mow him down ^^

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 22:51
Mr Flowerkohl,

I would agree of course and would like to see an easier method for implimentation of importing animated characters in particular. Its true to say that many people dont have either the skill, time or software required to do so if making their own or even trying to import purchased models from elsewhere.

Its a pity that the entity editor did not make it to FPSC in a user friendly interface suitable for all. The intention was good and perhaps who knows the future may see help for those poor users like myself who dont know a bone from a vertex.

Well only just.........

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