i get all of my games from GameStation and Electronics Boutique Vintage
- they're always selling all the old games, but as i said ... i'd personally carry a laptop from country to country with a single CD full of several hundred games - rather than several consoles, a mini-TV to play them on, setup a different channel per console, plus all of the controllers and game carts which don't like extreme cold, extreme heat, any magnetism and oftenly get so dusty that you have to clean them prior to use.
I have an N64 controller i use for Nintendo based games, and a Playstation - DualShock for the other consoles... all my games are copyied via official copying products and are my own
its the best way to make sure i always have my old games whereever i go, plus i can spice up the graphics as much as i like ... make it smoother, run faster, slower, use enhanced 3D (like with Playstation Titles)
there are just endless possibilities that you can't get with a console that you can with a PC.
i bought the games for the games, not the console experience - they're just as playable on the computer with an emulator and its far easier for me to use them like that.
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?