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Undercover Steve
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Posted: 13th Aug 2005 22:51 Edited at: 13th Aug 2005 22:55
Quote: "The year: 2398
After Intensive time in our own system, we advance to a level of technology, that the Races consider "Acceptable". They come to our system, and tell us of the Galaxy. We follow and advance and gain territory. After 200 years of work, Mankind builds its first warship. this sparks an military revolution. Star Forces. After years of waging wars on races that arent protected by the galactic Sentient Treaty (EA: Earth wasnt before they showed themselves to Us), We built a steady rise in military forces. By 40 years before 2398, Humanity becomes a Galactic Superpower. Only 3rd in territory, and 4th in military, we are a fine example of how races can advance in a new enviroment, but as this power was quick to come, it is quick to be lost. Many of the smaller races began to fear an impending assualt. These races petitioned 20yrs before our story to the Mighty empire of the Eth, to strip us of our power. At 2388, we were left to earth, and with our full population, AND ships. Over crowdedness was a problem, but was solved by converting gas worlds to solid matter. We used the materials that the the gas transformed into (Titanium) To build a New Fleet. 2393, The Earth Republic Was Abolished into The Earthian Imperial Senate.At that point, Our military was at the top. 1st. But we werent a super power because we only inhabited 9 planets. 2396, The Star Legion was formed. An Invader Taskforce, Designed to Conquer Alien Worlds. This is when you were trained. In that same year, we declared war on the entire galaxy, and you swiftly killed Eth Empire, and then started with the petitioners. Last Contact with Earth Command, You Were assigned to a Abandoned Ancient Penal Colony. Your squad was gunned down by a unknown energy weapon. The fight Begins."

If you say this story sucks I will shoot you after seeing the stories on here:S
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 00:43
its pretty good but some of your science should be explained a bit more. there are some errors but im sure you know that. otherwise its good. spend maybe 15-30 min to smoothe out the rough edges

PM - The time to think and sleep
Undercover Steve
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 00:45
Yes, because It was a summary...The forum wont let me post 20 pages of work. If you could say any of the errors, or tell me what to explain, I could do that. Then make an expanded version.
Undercover Steve
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 00:54
Also: I will be doing all modelling 2d work, and cut-scenes. I am designing the first versions in EA, and I will hopefully get a beta done before v1. I will have voice actors (again, if I can get my friends drunk and agree to it, and sign a contract) I might post a full word doc. Also, I am working on certian things for it that hopefully will make it appear less...n00bish. The characters will be textured differently each. (just a bunch of same modelled people, with different textures) Though This is giving too much away!
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 01:17
very interesting story, It'l be good to see a demo or screenshots when you get to making it

Reza Kaze

Undercover Steve
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 01:21 Edited at: 14th Aug 2005 01:22
I am making it, but it is just to test some scripting. To what v1 has, I will need to use that to even get near implementing the game ideas. Like if you press a certain button, a bmp will show an overview of the level. ect, ect. Besides: they arent even different models, just randomly chose presets.
Undercover Steve
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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 02:06 is a frame from the intro cut-scene I made


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Posted: 14th Aug 2005 19:22
wow...amazing ship there...keep on making my friend, keep on going


Reza Kaze

Mr Love
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Posted: 5th Sep 2005 06:01
Looks ok to Me. witch software did You use? 3DS MAX maybe?
How many seconds is the movie?

Mr Love

Dont trust anyone...

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