Ok Heres The Code
`The Quest of Eternity
`By Cameron Hudson
Set display mode 640,480,32
Text 310,240, "Loading"
Wait 1000
Text 310,240, "Loading."
Wait 1000
Text 310,240, "Loading.."
Wait 1000
Text 310,240, "Loading..."
Wait 1000
Text 310,240, "Loading...."
Wait 1000
Goto Intro
Print "Welcome To Quest Of Eternity. Currently You are Being Held In Jail"
Print "This is The Story"
Print "You Are This one boy thats 13 and he is in the country Aswallo."
Print "You came from the country Bicanalo. The problem is that You ran away from Your family and ran to aswallo."
Print "The problem is that You didnt know that Aswallo didnt accept anyone who came from Bicanalo. So You Were Thrown in jail."
Print "Now You are on a Quest to get Your freedom back and go back to Bicanalo back to Your family."
Print "Now You regret that You ran away."
Print "Press Enter To Continue."
If ReturnKey() = 1 then Goto Start
Print "Hello"
Well The Problem Is That It supposed to goto start when u press enter but it just keeps going to that automaticcaly without enter y?
My Website With Some Of My Games: www.freewebs.com/actiongamestudios