A static line of sight is a projected line.
This is the syntaxis:
static line of sight(sx#,sy#,sz#,tx#,ty#,tz#,range#,accuracy#)
sx#,sy#,sz# are the starting coords of the projected line.
tx#,ty#,tz# are the target coords of the projected line.
range# means the 'radius' of the projected line.
accuracy# . like it says: the accuracy of the projected line. The larger the value, the faster it works.
The projected line will be intersected when it hits a static collision box. The commands
static line of sight x()
static line of sight y()
static line of sight z()
are the coords of the intersection point.
Note: if the line hits a static collision box, the returnvalue will be 1.
Immunity and Annihalation makes Immunihalation...