yeah it does help..I'm pretty thick skulled..anyway..I will play with the examples for abit and see if I can go ahead and place the object and whatnot by its own and then see if I can work on makin it move around with the keyboard.
A WARNING TO PEOPLE WHO KNOW STUFF: If I ever figure out how to even get 1 thing done on my game and I get enough going the next questions you should expect from me which will be pretty stupid questions will of the following
"How do I made a weapon appear at the back of my Kart and then slide under it/go around it to shoot at a enemy or drop down onto the ground?"
"How do I set the finish line position?"
"How do I set up a player profile that would be seen by other players that would allow you to select a color (texture) from a drop down menu?"
"How do I make a drop down menu?"
..and many gave you a fair warning of whats probably going to happen sometime in the alot Xolatron for helping me learn to use a .dbo file.