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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Summary of EA - > V1 Changes

Rob K
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2005 19:38 Edited at: 24th Aug 2005 01:50
I'd like to clarify the differences between EA and V1 for those non-beta-testers who are interested:

New in V1:

- ODE Physics Engine
- Simple Deathmatch Multiplayer
- Pixel & Vertex Shader effects (albeit fairly subtle ones)

Improved in V1:

- Better AI
- Improved performance (particularly with respect to having many entities in one area)
- Tweaked default settings (firing rates, movement speed etc.)
- Greatly improved weapon sound effects
- Bug fixes

Edit: ChrisB also reminded me about the 'Story Zone' feature

All other aspects are by and large unchanged.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2005 20:52
Sounds goods, but I'm gonna try the EA version first. Really looking forward to start my own big game project
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2005 21:19
You forgot Story Zone.

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2005 22:23
i thought story zone was going to be in v2

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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 24th Aug 2005 00:58
No lee said he added it in V1.
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Posted: 24th Aug 2005 01:20
oh sweet!

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Posted: 24th Aug 2005 01:28
Hehe they're using ODE. About 1 week ago I downloaded that engine and started fiddling with it to see if I can create a DBP plugin out of it. It's cool they got it to work with FPSC! You can see the two ODE folders in the double dragon error screen shot I took.
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Posted: 24th Aug 2005 02:02
Yea, its in V1.

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 24th Aug 2005 03:07
Any machine gun shoots two bullets at one time. Also the number of bullets goes down waaay too slow. Will They be fixed? Is that what you mean by the fire rates being tweaked?

Could you be kind enough to sticky my message about FPSC's release date? I'm getting sick of new posts about the same thing and I figured this would be good so the noobs can get to it easily.

Thanks a lot,
MaddA CheiF

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