Below is he source code for a mixer. Unfortunately, Dark Basic doesn't record the best sound files, so as much as I'd like to I didn't include the record sound command. In the future I will probably develop one that will allow you to plug in or record your own sound. Well, here's the code.
hide mouse
rem I used these files, but you can use any three.
load sound "scifi1.wav",1
load sound "scifi2.wav",2
load sound "scifi3.wav",3
cls rgb(118,118,118)
center text 320,0,"Welcome to the sound mixer!"
center text 320,15,"Current track mix is set to 3 tracks."
if spacekey()=1 then f=0
if controlkey()=1 and f=0 then f=1
if controlkey()=1 and f=1 then f=0
if f=1
if inkey$()="a" then loop sound 1
if inkey$()="b" then loop sound 2
if inkey$()="c" then loop sound 3
if f=0
if inkey$()="a" then play sound 1
if inkey$()="b" then play sound 2
if inkey$()="c" then play sound 3
if returnkey()=1
if sound playing(1)=1 then stop sound 1
if sound playing(2)=1 then stop sound 2
if sound playing(3)=1 then stop sound 3
Whatever I did it wasn't me!