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FPSC Classic Product Chat / skybox problem

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Posted: 27th Aug 2005 01:56
im having a problem when i test a level outside our if i have windows looking out. the skybox is all black and when ever i move around or look around the whole screen just layers over everything your looking at. if your looking at a building and look around,
the building just moves wherever you look in layers.

any help out there?

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 27th Aug 2005 04:54 Edited at: 27th Aug 2005 05:17
Was this possibly the problem? Is it like this picture in the picture below:

If you got this efect, its because you chose the wrong Skybox file. You have to get the file that's circled in the picture. Press the view button for that one. Sorry for the inconvinience.

Hope this helps,
DA CheiF


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Posted: 27th Aug 2005 20:43
yes that is exactly the problem. i thank you for your help.

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Location: starring into a viewfinder
Posted: 27th Aug 2005 22:03
Gosh Madda, what a large iTunes library you have.

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 27th Aug 2005 23:39
Your welcome. Glad I could help.

@ Chris B
lol. Didn't know you could see that. You have itunes? I have 401 songs.
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Location: starring into a viewfinder
Posted: 28th Aug 2005 01:11
In teh backround . Yea, its WAY better than WMP, dont you think?

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 07:23
hey madda, what is with that compass file in your fpscreator folder?

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 00:32
@ ChrisB
Yes, I think its way better.

@Swhale aka The FPS Creator
That was the compass image that's in The 3D Game Maker. I put T3DGM in the "The Game Creators" folder along with FPSC. That's why it shows up there.

One useful reanson to buy T3DGM: It comes with a ton of .X models that can be imported into FPSC.


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