Tried now -- It's almost right. looking at 0 and 180 it's a centred weapon, not right handed. looking at 90 and 270 it's a long way out in front... but apart from that, it's very close to being right. Probably just needs a little fiddling with the numbers...
Thanks for this.
That now works -- was just a thing with playing around with the numbers...
gxa#=wrapvalue(curveangle(camera angle x(),gxa#,20.0)) 20 changed to 1 (didn't like the dragging effect)
gya#=wrapvalue(curveangle(camera angle y(),gya#,20.0)) 20 changed to 1
gx#=newxvalue(camera position x(),gya#,50.0) 50 changed to 1.5
gz#=newzvalue(camera position z(),gya#,50.0) 50 changed to 1.5
gy#=camera position y()-10 -10 changed to -1
position object 1,gx#,gy#,gz#
Added line: yrotate object CurrentWeapon,wrapvalue(camera angle y()+90)
Added Line: move object 0.5 -- moves it .5 to the right (so looks more right handed)
rotate object 1,gxa#,gya#,0 not changed...
yrotating is now perfect -- and without lock object on
...but looking up or down??? this can be xrotating or zrotating depending on your depending on your current yrotation (is this overcome in a similar way? it's probably staring me in the face as well)
...maybe one day I'll finish a project