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FPSC Classic Product Chat / About that Static Entity thing as well as levels...?

Scarlet Neiko
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Joined: 14th May 2005
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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 19:53
OK I read some posts on this(the terrain thing) and it sounded awesome cause I could now use my levels in fpsc...just one thing though... so when i export my models for the fpsc i was thnking about exporting my map as the static object and then the additional effects such as the water parts of the map as another model and apply them together as such, but something I was wondering is...

1. Can I rescale the model to fit within the grid and how will the physics and collision system apply to it I mean something that big... because it would cover the grid and a few layers?
(Cant try it comp hangs...)

2. Also If i rescale it and the proportions are out will i be able to adjust the fov and so on in order to deal with this change? (Havent seen anything regarding this...)

Thanks, great program...counting down the days till version 1!!!
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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 21:29
The first one, yea, through the scale in the FPE file. The seacond one, I'm sorry but I dont know what you mean.

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Scarlet Neiko
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Posted: 28th Aug 2005 22:01
thanks for the quick response...
And as for the second one...i was rather not clear, sorry.

How do i change the player camera Field of view.

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