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FPSC Classic Product Chat / New Features/Resolved Issues Questions

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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 17:25
Sorry to lump this many questions into one thread, but I thought it was better than starting many. As the realease of V1 nears, I am getting my EA levels ready for the move. And would like to know the status of these features/issues I was having with the EA version. Here goes:

1) I had issues with sounds in my EA level. Looped 3D sounds would play throughout the entire level, not just near the item generating the sound. Has there been a 'stop sound command' or way to keep the 3D sound contained to a specific area?

2) Dynamic lighting had bugs in the final built exe, that was documented. But I also had issued with dynamic light showing though walls in EA test levels. Has this been fixed?

3) Has an inventory system been incorporated at all? If not, are there plans for one in a future release?

4) Has the gantry/lava/enemy position lockup bug been fixed?

5) Has wall/floor placement been refined? I could never place walls only without a floor being added as well, same with placing a floor. Adding floors deleted the walls. This was a very frustrating aspect of the EA version.

6) I have seen rumors of a save/load feature being in V1, if this true?

Thank you to anyone who can shed any light on these questions. I want to have an idea what can and can't be done when I move to V1 and finish up this very large game project

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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 17:28
I am not beta tester, so i only can answer this:

6) Save/Load is replaced by checkpoints. It's not the same, but it does it.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 18:28
I have never used checkpoints in my test levels. Can the checkpoints be loaded after you exit the game and return? Are they working in the EA version, if so I will have to mess around with them more.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 21:54
1: not sure
2: it still iluminates the doers on the wrong side
3:No invintroy (by default)
4:i think so
6:its kinda possible through scripting

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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 22:17 Edited at: 29th Aug 2005 22:18
1) Hopefully this has been fixed, or at least some attention has been given to the problem. Can anyone else confirm if it is working?

2) The lighting showing through walls bug, still there. That is a big disapointment. Sometimes it can be concealed with clever placement or lighting on the other side, but flashing lights of any kind really look bad. Is this on list to be fixed ever?

3) Kind of limits the games without a working inventory system. Maybe in a future release, very near future would be better

4) Good...I can finally have my first boss fight, involving lava and gantries last more than 3 seconds before the whole game locks up

5) Great News! That really was annoying most of the time. I gave up on the EA version for a long time due to the cumbersome wall placement

6) Just checkpoints I have been told. Can they be loaded after exit?

Thank you for all of your input..good to hear some things are looking up, and hopefully the other problems will be addressed soon in some fashion or another

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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 22:49
i know there is a command called "stopsound=x"

and as for the checkpoints...there is fpi commands that say "savegame" and "loadgame" but i havent gotten around to testing them yet though

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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 23:59
The "stopsound=x" command must have been added to V1, it was not in the EA. That is good to hear because I, and a few others, were struggling with getting the sounds to stop when the were supposed to.

If you or another beta tester get around to trying out the save/load commands please let me know what you find out

Thanks for your help

It's easy not to get lost when you have no idea where you are going

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