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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Possible solution to the lack of save/load...level password

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Posted: 29th Aug 2005 20:23
Why not have a simple password system for each level? When level completed the player is given the password for the next level. The player can then go back to the game, key password and play the level they reached. Any comments from the developers would be welcome as this sounds very simple to encorporate.

I'm not sure if this solution has been mentioned before but it sounds as though the lack of save/load is going to be a real problem for everyone.
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 09:14
well one problem ok, several people have the game, one getsa to last level and sells the password for it. its a posability. also it doesnt save the ammo you have the weapons you have and the health you have so it wouldnt work and it could be really anoyin if you got a really good weapon only to lose it before a massive fight or summin.
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 10:44
It's better than nothing at all... but still a password system can't really do what a save can.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 23:26
But you would need Onkey="" for it to work... Is the Onkey feature going to be included?
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 02:09
I really like that idea ! Password system ... cheat code !!!
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 06:08 Edited at: 31st Aug 2005 06:08
I think he means the main menu already scripted and ready to go. But yes, you would need the Onkey command if you wanted to script it yourself.
Rik Vargard
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 13:38
Is it that hard to implement a "save game" button? I mean... all games have it, so... all game scripters should know about that... no?
You could be able to save between levels, so the save file just needs to record your weapons and ammo, and none of all the rest...?
But what do I know about scripting, heh?

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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 19:12
On the first Playstation the games Doom and Final Doom had a password system. The way it worked is that once a level was completed you got a series of letters and numbers. Going back to the game and entering this password took you to the start of the level you just reached. Also you had all ammo, health and weapons from the previous level. I do not know how this worked but it was a good system. In the first reply to my original post from pjb21, its stated that games could be spoilt by giving out the password to the final level (or other levels) This was done with the Doom games but I do not think many players used them (I didn't). Most real gamers like the challenge. Maybe the Developers can let us know what they think. Even The Games Factory (still good for 2D games creation) has the ability to apply a password for each level.

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