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FPSC Classic Product Chat / VanB - How did you get your version to run on Win2000pro?

Evil Inside
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 11:20 Edited at: 30th Aug 2005 11:47
Reapeating the same question...

VanB - How did you get your version to run on Win2000pro?


Although I haven't tried it yet, but I'll need help to make it work. I'm upgrading to 1GB DDR RAM soon and at Christmas upgrading to 3GB DDR RAM, at the moment I have 256MB DDR RAM but before, it ran alright, although it was on XP..But eversince I've reformated it (which was just yesterday with my brother and dad) They eventually got it fully working with Win2000 but XP doesn't work on my computer anymore, my brother used it more than me, I know you're thinking like 'So...It'll still work!' Trust me, it don't. The way he looks after his CDs, he dumps em anywhere! AND IT WAS MY XP DISC ASWELL GRRRRRR But he'll soon get me another XP NEXT YEAR. I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG! I WANT MY FPSC V1 AS SOON AS ITS OUT! lol! A

Anyway, VanB, Getting back to what I was saying..Yeah I need help. Please.

Other people, could you possibly help me too please?

Evil Inside
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 12:34
Anyone? VanB?

Van B
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 14:11
Well I'm not sure if this is what you want to hear right now but I think V1 will be debugged for you already.

There was a repeat of some issues with v1, which are resolved so I'm thinking that these issues are what's bothering FPSC. I did'nt actually change anything to get things running in 2000, it was an internal bug that got fixed but I think crept back again with V1.

The bug should be history now, as Lees efforts paid off in the end and I'm thinking that V1 will be free of the annoying bug.


Put those fiery biscuits away!
David T
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 14:31
Yes - I had the same problems as Van but I was using XP Pro. Works fine here now with the release candidate.

"A book. If u know something why cant u make a kool game or prog.
come on now. A book. I hate books. book is stupid. I know that I need codes but I dont know the codes"
Evil Inside
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 14:47
Ok, Cheers.


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