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FPSC Classic Product Chat / shoot around alien globe in EA

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Joined: 27th Aug 2005
Location: Seattle
Posted: 30th Aug 2005 17:00
Have been having fun making some great games in EA but still have not found a way to use the flashlight "Torch" .. I have found a way for the alien globe though.. I just shoot it around ! and it moves when shot.

Is there a way to use the flashlight ? a simple yes or no would even work as after 50 views of my last post it seems nobody has an answer.
Thanks, whyrag
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Joined: 12th Feb 2004
Location: Big Ass Castle
Posted: 30th Aug 2005 18:21
There is currently no player dynamic light to be used as a flashlight or radial light source. V1 will not have it either but Lee tells me that its something he will try to incorporate post V1
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Joined: 27th Aug 2005
Location: Seattle
Posted: 30th Aug 2005 23:12
Thanks Lon, I know now to keep these non working items out of any games then as they would be no use. I did find out that I can also shoot at the flashlight and it will move when shot . and also the motion tracker.

Still having great fun with this awesome software though . Waiting every second for v1 !!!!


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