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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 21:16 Edited at: 31st Aug 2005 19:57
Okay, heres an (almost) full list of stuff in V1:

The ability to pick up and throw entities
The ability to push entities
The ability to cause entities to go BOOM!
The ability to ad terain!
Solid dynamic entities

Simple DM games
No physics (yet)
No explosives (due to physics)
Simple text chat
No voice chat (use TeamSpeak)

Sorry Merranvo, no ONKEY
New spawning commands
Some MP commands I beleve
Animation commands (I think)
And more stuff I cant figure out

Faster graphics engine
Graphics don't s-t-u-d-e-r as much

WAY better
Enimies act more realistic
Two new FPIs, strafe and crouch
Animations have been GREATLY improved
Folow.fpi works (thank god )
Delayed versions of some scripts

It can be doen
Weapon importing is still, you know

StoryZone alows for video, sound or immages
Severel new models included
Laddars removed , due to physics. Post V1 should see there return

Thats all I can think of right now... I'll edit this post if I remember anything.

What ever it was, I DID NOT do it!
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 21:29
Wooo. Happy List. Thanks Chris B.

¿What is "Solid dynamic entities"?
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 22:02
In the EA verson, the dynamic antities (eg, the enimies)could be walked through.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 22:16
Sounds good javascript:smiley('')
Personaly I think that you should be a mod because you help people on the forums so much.

Man you're good at sucking up Matthew, crap, I just typed that!

Anyway, pleeeeeeeeeese could you help me!

When I run the installer, I put in all of the details (name and Serial) that are definatly correct but it won't let me go past or back, off that page.

Thanks in advance
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 22:26
what does Follow.fpi do?

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Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 22:56
matinuker, i had the same problem, jsut try later, maybe after a complete shutdown or so. but it wouldnt accept my name or serial either. if all else fails, email TGC directly

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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 23:17
Ultra-sweet, about time someone got the info together! Great work, =ChrisB=. Oh, and Matinuker, i could'nt agree more. There is'nt any topics which Chris is'nt taking part in. And he actually got something to say, as well!

I dont think we two are alone about having him as a mod. Chris-for-mod! Chris-for-mod!
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Posted: 30th Aug 2005 23:55
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 00:00
No ONKEY! Ahhhhhhhhhgggggggg!
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 00:41
Hehe, thanks you guys! I'd love to be one...

And the folow.fpi makes charichters folow the nearest waypoints.

Quote: " No ONKEY! Ahhhhhhhhhgggggggg!"

I know, it sucks.

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 05:00
Just to let you know what I am doing at the mo since beta testing has finished........I am endeavouring to port my game levels made with EA into RC3 (the nearest thing I have at least to V1) and can say at the moment that its going pretty smoothly.

Theres some adjustment to do of course and my EA levels contain content which is by and large not the default as is but a great deal of my own stuff which means I have to make sure all of that non default media, models and scripts too are updated and available in the correct locations.

Still only on level one but hopefully the others wont be too difficult to port either.

The most important thing for me and there are some other users I know would like to know is that thus far the "Map Object Limit" prob I had which stopped my development completely (as the level content apparently got to complex) seems now to be gone from V1. I can add more content now and hopefully wont reach any kind of limit again and with some luck will be able to complete some levels.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 10:28
Thanks Swhale
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 19:14
mmh..what about the shaders ? i heard there will be better ? like bumpmap ?

yeah...thats the ticket !
Freddy 007
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 20:48
Why the heck did they remove LADDERS!? Ladders improve the gameplay of ANY game they appear in! They can't be gone!

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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 20:52
Startin to think they realy might be gone!

Its cause physics. Probobly post V1 we'll see there return.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 21:08
It's still not working but I'm waiting for a reply
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 21:12
Okay, all in vavor of me being a mod please ad your name to my ever growing list of, ermmmm, admiriers.

What ever it was, I DID NOT do it!
Freddy 007
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 21:33
Excuse me, but how can physics cause the removal of ladders?

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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 22:07
I don't know. I think it has something to do with gravity, but I may be wrong.

What ever it was, I DID NOT do it!
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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 12:01
Chris should be a mod if he can help me get my installer working properly
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 12:34
shader files ?

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 20:35
Yes damnit there will be shaders! Why are you so worried about them any

And about the installer, could you tell me exactly what happens?

BOOM! Awww shucks! There goes the world. again.
The Nerd
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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 20:38

Quote: " Yes damnit there will be shaders! Why are you so worried about them any
ways? "

Easy man it's always better with a nice respons

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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 21:16 Edited at: 1st Sep 2005 21:17
As with many other things its been said many times V1 has shader support though they wont be of benefit unless you and everyone else that wishes to play your game has a video card that supports them or it will just mess up the look of your game when played.

Many people have systems of course that dont support shaders and if they run a game using then the person is quite likely to complain at the look of the game when things are not displayed correctly visually. From a gameplay point of view they have very little or no importance so whether you use them or not is then just a decision you will have to make.

Back to the point theres no need for the same people to continually ask a question when they have personally received an answer more than once.

Yes there is shader support in V1 - so if you already asked that question in this post then dont ask it again in another or this one unless you are not capable of undersatnding the words "there is shader support in V1". in which case if you dont understand the words theres not much point in saying it repeatedly.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 22:07
Its just that hes been pestering the BETA testers (mainly me) about it and I've told him about 20 other times.

BOOM! Awww shucks! There goes the world. again.
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 01:36
A nice response would have been better...but i think you just havnt understood what i mean. Shaders are not shaders. There are many different shadertypes. And i have seen NO screenshot yet with bumpmapping. And bumpmapping is as i would say the most needed in game creating today !!!!!!!!!!
I know that shaders will be supported and i know , too , that already EA version got Shaders !! But WHICH are new in V1 ????
As for me i would like to see ( on first place ) Bumpmapping ..and then normalmap , parallax map , illumination map , maybe DOF or blur shaders.
And dont tell me that u want to make a commercial game without shaders because of the people who dont have the right graphics card !! Most people got really good Graphic CPU`s. I`ve got an older model right now, Gforce 6600GT with 256mb. And this supports nearly ALL shaders !! DirectX 9 series !
so...the point is WILL THERE BE A BUMP.FX FILE ?

yeah...thats the ticket !
Mr Love
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 02:10
No ladders at all in V1? It must be a practical joke Man!!!

Mr Love

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 03:43
No ladders. Not a practical joke. Sucks huh...

But there's hope in V2 or an update.
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 05:44
YEAH! With some kick ass drivable vehicles! And some monkey entitys.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:19
Whats with you and those freakin' monkeys!
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:21
Monkey? Where?
Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:29
if you went into the contact TGC at the main page and typed them a message in their box a reply mihgt come in a day or two matinuker, have you tried to close everything down and try it again after a shutdown? because i didnt, and i emailed them, and then i got it to work, and i have 2 serials now

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:40
the vechicles are not drivable...
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:46
We're talking about V2 not V1.

I mean, in a bunch of your posts you call this a monkey.
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:48
It is a monkey... -Meow!
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 17:33
HEY !!!
Would someone PLEASE answer my question !!!
and thats a f***** penguin. damn

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 18:24
but this is a dinosaur.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 19:14
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 20:21 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2005 20:29
Again in clarrification to the situation regarding Shaders - for all conmcerned.

EA did not support shaders.

V1 supports the use of Shader technology.

Shaders support in V1 is basic.

Shader support in future versions of FPSC as I am aware will be improved somewhat.

Shader technology is a massive subject and one which for best result wont allow an individual or small team to get the best from it. You could literally spend years working on introducing shader technology to a large and complex game if you needed to make and and script it in yourself.

Though FPSC may eventually have support for better shader technology how good that will be I dont think anyone knows as yet.

How much users of the software will be allowed to influence shader use and how much will be limited to default engine capability again I do not think anyone yet knows. I would doubt at this stage that TGC would think of giving the end user too much control but maybe I am wrong, thats just an opinion.

So for anyone that is still not clear V1 will give you basic shader support and thats it.

You cant have any other answer because there is not one.

Anyone that is not satified with that then I suggest you buy V1 and find out for yourself that which you have just been told. In any case the result of shader use in any game made by a user will differ on each machine used by those users - some may want to include it while others may not irrespective of what machine an end user has - which you wont have any control over. Some users may find it messes up on their particular machine so if you then want to give a game out that dont look good to you its up to you. Personally I dont think so.

No more from me on this.

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 20:24
What is a game that has shaders? A pc game.
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 20:34
Doom 3

- the best use of shader type effects I have seen recently - well ever seen - myself in any game was in The Chronicles of Riddick on X box. Not sure if that was available on PC.

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 4th Sep 2005 21:41
ohh. I just played Doom 3. Very professional. Craploads of shadows and lighting effects.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2005 21:58
You know, if it saves the shaders in an INI file like it saves the controls and texture detail ect., I am making a program that edits the file.So then you just include that program with it and people run it and they can chose wether to have shaders, there controls ect. I will release the source for it sometime after V1 comes out and I can costomize it for every feature.

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Mr Love
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 13:02
I buy it if You promise to work hard to get the ladders back!

Mr Nice

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Mr Love
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 13:15
Are You going to work hard to get the ladders back?
(question to TGC)

Mr Love

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Mr Love
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 13:17
Are You going to do something to get the ladders back?
(question to TGC)

Mr Love

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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 14:09
I'm sure that the third of that triple-post bonanza was a mistake (since they are exactly the same), but try not to double post either. Just a helpful tip .

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