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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Introduction "new virgin on the old scene"

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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 03:15
Hey people, my name is Gary yraG = whyrag Gary backwards ya know..
Just typing a little here waiting for v1 download to see in my email any second. Just doing somthing while waiting. I started out on the Atari 400 then the 800... then... ta da 600 xl and 800 xl. They had Sam for voice back then as well as on the new stuff today. Biffdrop was one of my favorites back in the day.. Antic magazine... remember ?? cool stuff..we had casset recorders instead of the disk drives. then i got the 1050 !!! yes !!! cost alot of money back in the day. anyways, 300 baud suked back took so long to download anything that rigamortus could set in while watching it. Fun stuff though. way better nowadays ! I am also a guitar player dude . If you want to download some free mp3 songs just go to my web link to check it out if ya want while waiting for v1. I was lucky enough to grow up in the Seattle area as a musician " and Electrician " . Played live and recorded with the world famous rock band "HEART" there in Seattle WA. with Roger Fisher,mike Derosier and Steve Fossen..many others as well on about 8 albums worth of material. Maybee the devs in UK have heard of this rock band ?? Anyways... having a blast with FPS Creator and waiting any second for my download link ! ,.... Gotta check now ... L8R, whyrag
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 10:34
Why helo my (new) friend! Alwase good to see smeone who comes from old school stuff like that...

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
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Posted: 31st Aug 2005 23:32
Hello!!!! Can you hear me all the way from Mars? although I'm glad you're away from my anus. I still have an Atari ST and used to program on GFA BASIC, it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow.

Greetings and enjoy the forums
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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 20:26
Hi Gary. I used to program on an ATARI 400 as well. Just saying that says how old we must be...I'm also a guitar player. Welcome.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 23:31
Oh the Atari 400, such a cool piece of hardware. Made my real first games on it. The flat keyboard was better than my previous ZX81

I loved to write in 6502 and fill page 6 with 256 bytes of code or data for fast access during an interrupt routine. Those were the days eh?

Welcome Gary, enjoy FPSC and let us know and hear what you make with it.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2005 23:57
Yep, pop in the BASIC cart, program in BASIC, pop in the PASCAL cart program in PASCAL. Then plug in the ATARI 2600 joystick and pop in the Pac-Man cart for some waka waka waka waka waka.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 08:30
Yes ! .. Remember the first printers lol ! I set up a bbs back in the day as well "The Studio" fun stuff.. regular pens on the roll of paper ! wish I could have held on to all that stuff . And also had every issue of Antic,compute,about every basic book,remember the wacky waldo or somthing like that ! Fun stuff man... Games took forever to make and debug. I am very impressed what the game creators have done with all of this !
Cant wait for V1 and then V1.5 and all the rest ! Thanks !, Gary
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 23:44
@ Rick V Hey man, Thanks for posting. This link is really cool to bring back the old days ya know . Check it out when you get some time. Cool looking back on all of this ! see ya, Gary
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 23:52
Atari? Please. Try a TRS-80. That's what I started on when I was 3.
Although I was only playing games at the time and one of them was 13 Ghosts. The computer I really got to use was a Tandy 1000. In fact,
I was on the entire Tandy Line of Computers until the last one which was a Tandy MMPC 10. That was the very last of the tandy line. A 486 33mhz with an upgrade chip that made it 100mhz. It had 16megabytes of ram, 2 megabytes of video memory, a 2.5 Gig hard drive(Yes we got it to work on there) a 12x cd-rom. The last OS it ran was Windows 95 and it could play Quake(Requirements on the box said Pentium processor but it still played anyway and very well I might add) Multiplayer was on a 33.6 Dialup connection.
Ahh the memories.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 00:02
Some fond memories of Antic magazine. I also remember one called Analogue mag. I also used to buy Byte magazine, over 200 pages long with usually one page on Atarti 8 bit!

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 00:27
Ah the good old TRS 80 ,I had a model 1 level II basic complete with expansion box housing an RS232 interface and an extra 32Kb of ram giving me a grand total of 48Kb.I shudder when I think of the operating systems like TRSDOS,MSDOS,then there was the graphics capability little white rectangles about 3mm x 2mm (I think) with which I would try and create something spectacular with,argh horrible, oh the hours of sheer frustration,those indeed were the days eh!
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 00:34
I like virgins

Hey hey hey, It's Faaaaat albert!
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 04:22

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