This is a brief and to the point post on what needs to be changed in the multiplayer/FPSCreator system. I really do appreciate what Lee has done and what I have seen from his work. However there are area's to improve and I would think he would agree with me
I also understand that V1 is not the end all and that there will be improvements.
1. Single Level per EXE - While this isn't such a huge problem, it is one that does need to be solved or corrected. In most games or games that have come out lately, the Single Player portion and the multiplayer portion have been seperated.(Unless the game is Multiplayer Driven like Battlefield 2) I'm fine with this approach as you do not have to worry about making a change to the Single Player side and affecting the Multiplayer Side. However only allowing one map per exe is going to end up being a bit excessive.
I would recommend allowing some sort of list to be built like on the Single Player side of the game and using a single exe to run all the maps.
2.) Player Settings saved - When starting up a multiplayer game, instead of making the player type their name in each time, why not have a config file that allows them to type in their name only once and then save it for future use. If the player wants to change he would select an option from the menu allowing him to change it.
3.) More than deathmatch - While Deathmatch is a fun game to play, it is important to allow more than just that. I had an idea on a player definable zone that you could tie into objects. An example of this is Capture the flag. An opponent takes the flag setting off an alarm. The player takes off to his own base. If the flag is still at his base and he touches it, he captured the flag, if not a message would tell him that his flag is missing or is needed to capture the flag. You would have a zone at each flag location. It's purpose is to tell if the flag is there, if the flag is missing(meaning if you arrive with the opponents flag and your flag is missing), if the flag has been taken(meaning the opponent or you just grabbed the flag setting off the alarm) and if you capture the opponents flag.
I think that would be a great way to do that.
Those are the three that I can currently think of for multiplayer.
I understand that those may or may not happen until at least V2 or V3 for that matter. Let me know what you think.
This is as backwards as is This