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2D All the way! / Sprite problems (Anti Aliasing)

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Posted: 16th Feb 2003 12:42
Whilst trying to make a simple side scoller and max a few models in max,(anti aliasing was turned off and background color was solid) I then cleaned the image up a little in Paint Shop Pro. When trying to display the sprite on a whiteish background there were dots of black around the sprite which shouldn`t have been there. It looked as tho the image had been anti aliased to black back ground. Have I missed something or done something stupid or is this a bug in DBpro. Any help would be gratefully recieved.
Dark Basic Pro drove me to drink, I really should E-mail them to say thanks.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2003 15:22
What format was the image saved in? You should make sure you are using a non-lossy format like a GIF or BMP
Van B
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Posted: 16th Feb 2003 17:40
To help avoid DBPro's overpowering anti-aliasing, use a ',1' at the end of a get image or load image - that forces it to load into texture memory exactly as it is.

Also, in your art package, select a colour that is not being used, and fill the r0g0b0 areas in - now use this colour to draw over any defects, you'll probably find a lot. After doing that - increase the brightness a little, say about 10%, then fill the coloured area in with black again. Some faint shades of grey-black can still be taken for black, so increasing the brightness ensures that none of your faint shades are lost.

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Posted: 16th Feb 2003 20:53
Adding the 1 to the end of get image also removes the problem of the black dots and other artifacts around sprites when you didn't have a 1 pixel border around the image.

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Posted: 17th Feb 2003 14:54
If the above suggestions have little, or no affect, don't feel alone.
I've been using the "Create Animated Sprite" command, and it adds those little black dots all by itself.
You didn't mention if you were using it, but if you were, it's a known problem, and will be fixed in a much later patch.

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