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Joined: 3rd May 2003
Location: Stealing Ians tea from his moon base
Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 21:01 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2005 21:05
Edit never mind

Jordan Siddall
Years of Service
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Joined: 1st Mar 2004
Location: UK
Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 21:57
Let me guess. You find the bit that says.

Help! I've lost my serial number
We can re-send your serial number. Enter below the Email Address you used when ordering FPS Creator EA and we'll send your serial number to this address immediately.

Years of Service
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Joined: 3rd May 2003
Location: Stealing Ians tea from his moon base
Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 23:06
nope thats not it i e-mailed the guys so its ok


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