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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPSC Team Rocks

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:28
As an EA user, I would like to say you guys are awesome in treating us!

Thanks for the great work, and I can't wait until the download.

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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:33
Same here! I would also like to thank every one at the gamecreators who helped bring this piece to life.

When I first read about FPSCreator, I was so releaved that someone had actually thought about the little people. The ones who wanna make games but have no code experience!

Thank you, Thank you and Thank you!

-Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 07:43 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2005 07:43
i would also like to say thanks! this program is unlike anything ive ever seen.

tip of the cap to you, Game Creators.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 09:33
Its bril, i just have to wait till de 22nd lol.

its a great program coz you don't need to now any scripting, but if you do then you ccan still edit the script.

Just beacuse i'm blonde, don't meen i'm stupid!
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 10:30
TGC, I commend you on your amazing work. This will truly be the pinnacle in easy yet flezible game creating, and I won't sleep until the 8th!

Evil Inside
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 13:44
TGC, Thank you so much for all of your software and making us all happy and I'll have to say, FPSC has certainly been your best product by far!

You've certainly made a good job of it, Well done everyone at TGC

*Shakes everyones hand at TGC*

Conor B
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 14:15
Thanks so much for this amazing product you put together. And thanks for puting so much time and effert into making it.

Conor B
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Joined: 24th Aug 2005
Posted: 3rd Sep 2005 14:28
Yep, absolutely the best game creator by far which still allows for users to add or change code. Any plans for a Strategy Game Creator sinilar to FPSC in ease of use?

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