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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Trouble inserting gun

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Joined: 27th Jan 2005
Posted: 6th Sep 2005 06:22 Edited at: 6th Sep 2005 06:44
Ok so I have this gun that i want to use in FPSC (See attachment) Someone gave me this model all zipped up with the texture. I have a few problems when I try to insert this in my game. I also Have a tank that I wish to insert to my game but both of these models are showing very VERY small I dont know if it is a problem with the scripts or what....But the models always have 2 models in them and I am unsure of which one to use... anyways Guns are especially hard because of the scripting. From what I have found you cant just replace the texure and model route you must do other things here is the script:

;Entity Spec


desc = AK47

aiinit = appear2.fpi
aimain = weapon.fpi
aidestroy = disappear2.fpi

spawnmax = 1
spawndelay = 5000
spawnqty = 1


model = Crogram FilesThe Game CreatorsFPS CreatorFilesentitybankMy entitesAK47.x
scale = 100
rotz = 90
texturepath = gamecoregunsww2mp40
textured = gun_D2.tga
reducetexture = -1
transparency = 1
isimmobile = 1

;Identity Details
isweapon = ww2mp40
quantity = 1
speed = 100

decalmax = 1
decal0 = glowred

I replaced what I could think of but what befuddled me is the following lines:

texturepath = gamecoregunsww2mp40
textured = gun_D2.tga
isweapon = ww2mp40

I did get it to place in the game but It was so small that I could not see it AND when i picked it up I got the M40 instead of the AK47. I do relize that I should have the Same HUD becuase I did not replace that. Why are there 2 models with these...and 2 textueres anywho any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated here is the tank and the gun attached.

EDIT: Sorry gave wrong models here are the right ones


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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 07:52
first you need to model your gun with a appear animation and a reload animation 3ds max or milkshape is good for this

then save one copy as hud.x with relevent skins and sounds and pop it in a folder in

C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\gamecore\Guns\scifi\lazerpistol

then save another copy as vweap.x pop in the same directory

and then create a fpe file

desc = lazerpistol

aiinit = appear2.fpi
aimain = weapon.fpi
aidestroy = disappear2.fpi

spawnmax = 1
spawndelay = 3000
spawnqty = 1

model = lazerpistol.X
scale = 100
rotx = 1
texturepath = gamecore\Guns\scifi\lazerpistol
textured = gamecore\Guns\scifi\lazerpistol\gun_D2.tga
reducetexture = -1
transparency = 1
isimmobile = 1

;Identity Details
isweapon = scifi\lazerpistol
quantity = 1
speed = 100

decalmax = 1
decal0 = glowzone

and pop that in

C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\entitybank\lazerpistol

and you should end up with some thing like

hope that helps

here is a animated template file to work from


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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 07:54 Edited at: 6th Sep 2005 07:55
was that model not animated?

I have no modeling knowledge and If that model is not animated then i am out of luck

PS could you get that tank to appear at the right size?


MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 17:14
Did you get the script from "damaged tank". That should make it the right size.
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 17:40 Edited at: 6th Sep 2005 17:40
For the size issue, modify your scale value until you like what you see.

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