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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPSC has been dug

Soy Cocktail
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Joined: 23rd Dec 2003
Posted: 6th Sep 2005 09:07
I don't know how mnay of you visit [href][/href], but the digg for FPSC made the front page. The front page is updated often so it might not be on the front page at the time you read this. If it's off the front page you can find it here. Just found it interesting that enough people "dug" the story to get it onto the front page. To find out how works you can check this webpage. Basically people submit stories, and then people who like the storys can "dig" the story. The top 10 storys for the day make it onto the front page.

When life hands you lemons go buy some oranges to make orange juice, and stop expecting everything to be given to you.
Richard Davey
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 10:30
Now that might account for the massive load the server took yesterday!

(digg is an excellent site btw)

A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 17:07
I wonder who submitted that?
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 02:35
My mom! No, realy. I don't know.

BOOM! Awww shucks! There goes the world. again.

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