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FPSC Classic Product Chat / When you've made your levels in EA......

Rik Vargard
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 13:23
....will you have to do it all over again from scratch once you get v1?

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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 14:15
No - I remember uman saying that he was putting his EA levels into V1, only needing to make a few tweaks (like adding weights to objects for physics etc.)

Whoever finds the magic emoticon ( ) in 10 of my posts gets a free emoticon. It looks like this - (don't ask why I included it, I honestly don't know )

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Rik Vargard
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 15:19
Phew... good news...

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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 15:55 Edited at: 6th Sep 2005 15:59
I have reopened and I am using my EA levels in RC3 (until V1 release) which is effectively V1.

The success users will have with this may vary though. I have used a great deal of my own content in the levels I made with EA and can still open and use them successfully.

However users are likely to have less or more difficulty depending on the content they used.

TGC may provide information or guidance in any download regarding opening EA files in V1 - if they dont some of this may help....

Overview : Advice given in good faith - dont blame me if you follow it and something goes wrong and messes you up - its at your own risk.

1. Firstly V1 has had many changes made to world objects and that includes prefabs and entities including Characters, media files and associated files and scripts.

2. When you get V1 you are advised as would be prudent to back up your current installation of EA and all media, content and levels you have made with it to CD/DVD - keep it safe before installing V1 - so you could do it before downloading V1.

3. When you get your V1 download - back that up to CD/DVD too

4. If you have used your own media in EA and not default : Once you have installed V1 then you will need to copy all of your EA levels and all other associated content that you have used in them if its "Home Made" into the correct and appropriate locations/folders as it existed in EA. If you have not used your own media and used default in EA then dont do this.

5. If you have not used your own media in EA : You will just need to copy your levels (fpm) into the mapbank folder as you had them in EA and then try and open them in V1 editor.

You may get a message saying some media cant be found and the level will open anyway if you have patience a wait a moment. If the level opens its just a matter of test running it and walking around to see if anythings missing or not working correctly e.g. textures or entities etc; if anything default is missing then you should be able to reload it anew in V1 and then it should be found - obviously correcting this. (Subject to note : see deleting .bin files below)

Its common sense really if something goes wrong look for a message and try think why its not working - bit like a detective - eliminate the possibilities. It does work so its a matter of a little time to crack it. For those who have spent a lot of time, maybe many months making levels in EA its well worth it.

The above are minor irritations - more serious is this and a more time consuming problem to overcome :

Lastly :

You may get an error message - possible an object one - runtime error or something and your level may refuse to load and crash FPSC exiting to Windows. If this happens and its more than likely it will - you will have to delete all the associated object .bin files attached to your EA content and everything should then be fine. You could delete all those .bin files first of course but I would work away quietly and see what happens first when you try opening the EA levels - Whatever happens dont panic (the worst thing anyone can do with a computer) and sart deleting unecessary stuff.

Finally... If you have Characters in your EA levels and they use a script file as they obviously will if you try and use these in V1 - you can - but they may behave strangely showing incorrect animation behaviour. This is because many Characters in V1 have completely new animation sets attached to them and so you will need to edit the EA Characters - possibly replacing them with the new model versions of V1 characters instead and or at the very least open your EA characters script file if its the one from EA and change the animation set info at the bottom to that of the matching V1 Character (copy paste in notepad.) EA characters have around 123 animation sets V1 have around 91 (for some reason which dont make sense to me) so you can see the characters are different internally if not visually.

This all sounds complicated.....its not and you may find things go smoothly - if not I found it easy to overcome any difficulty. Those who used all default content from EA will have a much smoother ride than those like me who used a great deal of their own media.

Whatever happens dont panic as said and have a little patience.

Hope that helps a little. Good luck

[EDIT] oh yes - the Physics - you may have to adjust Deafult Physics anyway on V1 objects to suit your needs - on Characters too - some of mine were to heavy to move even or so it seemed. Adjusting weight and friction lighter fixed this.

Rik Vargard
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 16:28
Yar! This helps a lot! Now I know exactly what I wanted to know!
Thanks very much!!!

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