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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Trial is out

alex 1337
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 20:29
Hey everyone, the trial Of fpsc v1 is now online at
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 20:32
how its not realsed on the main fpsc site?!?

alex 1337
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 20:33 Edited at: 6th Sep 2005 20:33
too many people will download and the fpsc site will go down, on cnet, they have many servers and it wont
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 20:40
A collage of a Demo of FPSC V1


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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 20:55
Freddy 007
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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 21:09
Excuse me for this:

Don't ask....

I'm downloading now. This is awesome! I can't wait to try this out!

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Posted: 6th Sep 2005 21:17 Edited at: 6th Sep 2005 21:26
must say a great demo

never thought shooting boxes could be so much fun

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 11:49
Looks like you all spotted it before we had time to announce it. Got get it!!!!

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 11:59
Rapid Man
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 12:36
i'll just wait till the 8th for my copy

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 14:06
lol, i have had the demo for a few day or so now because i found it on the ftp, you no at they have that and the beta tests of the multiplayer there.

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The Nerd
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 14:24
Just tried the demo!
I really loved the physics and the new ai!
Also i was happy to see that when you shoot crates, and they get destroyed. You can actually move around with the splinters! That's really cool!
I'm looking forward to the download tommorow

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 14:43
Havin' lotsa fun with physics! I made a level that was full of crates, and it ROCKED! The AI is great to, and I liked the included cutscene. Did you make it with an animator?

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 15:16
The demo are in the FTP the monday at night. Three days ago.
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 16:44
I am downloading! I get the full version tommorow (EA user) but who the heck cares.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 16:58
Quote: "I am downloading! I get the full version tommorow (EA user) but who the heck cares."

JeJe, You have medium day to check until tomorrow. Happy
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 20:21
lol, its funny how people found the download on another site before the team could tell us about it. well im downloadin and readin de manual

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 21:03
um when i installed the ddemo, i still had the EA demo installed, is that a problem because it keeps telling me now that i have an error and needs to close. it says that it needs to close then, 'Extra debug info : 0 0'

any help would be aprecitatted, how ever you spell it. lol

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 21:08
No got the EA version installed also and no problems for me, well I'm so excited about FPSC V1! heard a lot of things about the fact FPSC will not be any good and can't make any decent games, but now I tried the demo! and omg it's so good!(I had EA but thought It still was to slow, and enemies to dumb so I quit on EA and waited for V1) Deleted everything and defragmented my hard disk, READY for v1 tomorrow, bring it on!
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 21:11
o so maybe ive got a prob. um... o dear thats not good. Well hopefully someone else will know how to help or i get it fixed by the 22nd

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 22:09
Quote: "it says that it needs to close then, 'Extra debug info : 0 0'"

I'm having the same problem. It seems to occor when entities are introduced - happens when loading up a demo (segments load fine, but locks up when it gets to entities), and placing them (prefabs were no problem, but as soon as i clicked the player start entity it all went pear shaped).

Crash involves the world editor screen going black and a 10 second lock up before displaying the error message.

Didnt have any problem with the EA version, and my pc is more than F.E.A.R worthy so theres no problem on the hardware front.

Hope this helps you squashing the bug, I really want to try out V1! XD
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 22:32
Miller, thanks its the same here, 10secs locks up etc... only thing i can think of is that i had the EA demo installed, but other people say that it still works f9 for them.

Just beacuse i'm blonde, don't meen i'm stupid!
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 22:46 Edited at: 7th Sep 2005 22:46
a great demo! i love setting my rocket ammo to 10000 and health to 10000 and jsut blowing stuff up.

heres my thanks! (already posted it somewher, but who cares)


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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 00:20
If you have the EA demo installed, best advice is:

* Uninstall EA demo
* Use explorer and find Program "Files/The Game Creators/FPSCEA" (note I can't remember exactly the path
* Delete all that's in that path
* Now install the new demo

Lee told me that old bin files from EA can upset V1.

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