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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Just downloaded the new demo! Its cool, but umm.... questions!

Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 22:51
Hi I bought the New version of FPSC so eagerly awaiting the 22nd

I was happy to see the post about a new demo, so I eagerly downloaded it and tried it out. I'm impressed with the faster farmerates both in game and in the editor However, I have a few questions:

1. The first thing I did was load the 2 examples, as I though this would be the best way for me to judge the improvements from the EA version of the demo. However I couldn't tell a difference, and crucially found NO usage of physics in them - surely thats a mistake - the demos should show what the program is really capable of

2. Anyway I tentatively started a new game, built a small room, and placed an object (chair) in it. I worked out that the objects are static as default and I had to choose it to react to physics. Once I did this my mind was put at rest as I had fun picking it up, droping it, knocking it over etc. But then I added a gun object and tried shooting it - nothing! If the chair moves when you walk in to it, surely it should practically go flying when you shoot it? Have I missed something and you have to turn that on somehow?

3. I noticed the lightmapper doesn't appear to cast shadows? Or am I wrong? I could only get it to ADD light to an area. Or am I simply doing it wrong? I imagine perhaps to get decent shadowing around a corner some kind of removal of ambience and a larger light would be necessary, or does the lightmapper simply not cast shadows? (Ie static wall shadowing around corners / doorways etc.)

4. Is there any way to add a dynamic or even faked shadow to objects? It seems a shame to have such a standout flaw in otherwise very nice model & texture work

5. I didn't play much with adding enemies or AI yet, but when I tried the WWII examples, most characters ended up stuck running into walls - do other people get this? Seems strange as I read other people say how great the new AI was, although as I said I haven't experimented with it yet, just what I saw in the demos.

Anyway I hope this all doesn't sound too negative as its still great fun to play with and a huge achievement A special mention must go to the models and textures they are very pro looking, esp for low poly, none wasted there I'm really looking forward to the weekend after the 22nd when I can really get my teeth into exploring the full potential of the product!

Cheers, Sam

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 22:56
as for dynamic shadows, its prolly not in the trial. underbuild game (at least in EA, so certainly in V1) you have to change it from soft lightmaps to full lightmapping. then chairs and such will cast shadows. as for shooting objects, no clue. i dont think its such a big deal for a chair not to move if a pistol shoots it- rockets work!

have you seen my new laptop?

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 23:38
The two examples not have physics, has been created whit EA version and not released
Zero #43
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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 23:43
how do you pick stuff up?????!!! its driving me nuts!!!!!

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Posted: 7th Sep 2005 23:47
same i wanna pick boxes up too
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 00:00
right-click to pick up, once in your hands, leftclick to throw, rightclick to drop.

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 00:06
You can also press "T" to take an object.

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Mr Love
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 09:17
So why return to open a door?

Mr Love

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Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 13:11
" as for dynamic shadows, its prolly not in the trial. "
Well if they aren't in the V1 trial I'd be very surprised if they weren't in the V1 actual product? Cos surely hte trial should show off all the features of the full product, just time & save limited with less models?

"underbuild game (at least in EA, so certainly in V1) you have to change it from soft lightmaps to full lightmapping. then chairs and such will cast shadows."
Ahh thanks yes I knew that must be possible

"The two examples not have physics, has been created whit EA version and not released"
Yes I know they were made in EA but I'm talking about the New demo with physics, wouldn't it have been a good idea to update the examples to show the new capabilities? Because thats the first thing most people do, and if they are non-plussed by the examples they might miss out. But if the examples were full of cool stuff they might think "ooh how did they do that" and learn more features

"as for shooting objects, no clue. i dont think its such a big deal for a chair not to move if a pistol shoots it- rockets work!"
Ah I didn't try it with rockets, just a standard pistol. But still, have you even shot a light object with a magnum? It goes flying, and smashes appart, seems a little weird not to happen, I just wondered if it was possible for a user to edit that / switch it on.

Ok so has anyone got any ideas about the AI question, as thats slightly worrying me.

Anyway thanks for the answers guys, any more comments on my questions especially by any of TGC would be most appreciated, I'm interested in these issues, especially as I have paid for a full version

Cheers, Sam

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 13:18
In the EA version you could peek through doors. I'm not at the right computer right in this moment. Could anyone test to see if you still can do this?

Also i'm very happe that you now can use dynamic lights in the EXE files! YAY

although in the EA version the game could crash if you used the quicksaves zones, you know the ones that when you died you would start the same place as you positioned the quicksave. Then when you hitted it then quit to the main menu and then tried to start the game again, the game could crash hope this bug is fixed too

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 16:06
If you take a look in the setup.ini you will see this:



Change shadows to read:


Should give you shadows if your video card can handle it.


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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 16:08
You can change the weight of objects and the amount of damage that weapons do to objects. So if you don't like the defaults, just get into the properties and start doing it the way YOU want it!

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 17:00
excellent Rick those are the kind of answers I wanted to hear Good man

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