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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Pick up items

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Joined: 27th Jan 2005
Posted: 8th Sep 2005 03:21
Hey In one of the movies I saw the person picking up a box putting it in a area and A door on the other side opening also there was a platform going back and is this accomplished?


Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 03:27 Edited at: 8th Sep 2005 03:29
I know I know!

Okay, u need the trigger zone set to "zoneanyuse" i think it is.
set the zone (when used) to the door you want to open, i.e door2. Set your object u want to go in the trigger zone, (main) to default.fpi script and its (when used) to the dorr too.
Shigidy Wigidy
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 03:29
only if you didnt know you use letter t to pick it up <- tell me how to make that a link
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 03:33
okay 2 things.

1. He meant how to open doors when u put the object in a zone
2. Right click is also pickup and its btter to use I think.

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