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FPSC Classic Product Chat / My 1st impressions of the v1 release - and some oddities

Music Man
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 04:37
First, may I say that the install went decently smoothly, but it seemed to search my hard drive forever before the install started - then it went nice and fast. Funny enough, I had to un-install the ea versino just to make some room on my 'C' drive for the installation. I installed it to my larger secondary drive and that went smooth and worked fine.

I loaded up the program and it started about as fast as the ea version. The map editor is quite faster and things feel quite a bit more stable.

I loaded a recent game I was working on and noticed some funny things. The laboratory texture had hand-drawn "L"'s in it all of a sudden that were never there before - strange, huh??? Also, some of the entities I had placed (like terminals and such) were now missing their textures. I am going to assume that is because I used the EA textured entities. So I will delete those and re-place new ones. I am sure that will fix that.

The actual game, when tested, seemed to run faster and sound fx seemed to work now where they did not work before, or did not work as well.

IMO, the sound fx need to be replaced and I am just the man to do it (he he he). I will begin tomorow.

The physics work great - and I was eager to see that, but what is really strange is that I placed some crates randomly around my level and then went to go pick them up using the left mouse button - it worked great - and throwing it with my right mouse button also worked really well. HOWEVER, since there are no HANDS anywhere, it is strange to see a crate hovering in front of me and then get thrown. I really believe some deafult arms and hands need to be included in the next update!!!

I will continue to run this program through its paces now that I have it and have tons of ideas for gaming fun!!!

Have fun everyone, I believe this v1 release is just the thing everyone needs to get started in the world of 3D FPS Gaming, and it is a welcome stable release from the EA version, which had its fair share of brand new jitters, bugs, and indeed, some crashes.

Mike Felker

P.S. As I create sound fx and music, I may release them as music packs - we'll see how the powers that be (Rick, Richard, etc) feel about this, but I have been holding back on purpose till I saw this release before I got started.
Music Man
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 04:40
GASP - I forgot to mention Lee in my P.S. statement. SHAME ON ME - Bad composer - Bad composer!!!
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 04:40 Edited at: 8th Sep 2005 04:41
i think the picking-up is fine- it worked for halflife 2

it doesnt use hands

Music Man
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 04:41
Just seems odd to me to pick something up and no extrememties holding it. Maybe that's just me - I simply need body parts - he he he

Music Man
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 04:43
Come to think about it, I am going to have to revisit some of my favorite games that have physics and allow you to pick up and throw stuff!!!

I may be surprised to find out that none of them had hands involved!!!

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 04:49
yeah- i would like hands at some point, though.

and mp physics!

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 05:10
I don't give a flying fart about multiplayer, I would like it alot better if they worked on getting Single-player as good as it can, THEN work on Multi.

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 12:34
Putting hands and arms in may require changing the camera cutoff, which could affect performance quite drastically.

The Nerd
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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 13:06
I have also noticed the the lab room have hand-drawned "L" on. That dosn't look nice

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 16:16
It would be kind of strange using a hand, if you need to grab many different items. A clip and a box wouldn't fit into the hand in the same way, i believe.
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 00:47
I don't necessarily want a hand if it will decrease performance. If it doesn't then go for it! Also is there any program to make good video/cutsense? The demo one looked superb, but I don't have the slightest clue how to make one of any quality close to that one.
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 07:16
I tend to use Adobe Premiere Pro - but that is kinda pricey. Blender ( is supposed to have a decent video editor and is 100% free. It also does 3d and just about everything else. Format wise, I do not know what it is compatible with.

I use vue d espirit ( for my 3dwork, terrains and final rendering of a cutscene because it's powerful, user-friendly and the end results look great (the light versions are rather inexpensive too).

Another good video program is Sony Vegas - really good for just about everything video and audio.

Of course, Animation Master 2005 is a good alternative for a less expensive 3D solution (

Finally, a little known 2D particle program adds that final SIZZLE to your productions is called Particle Illusion 3.0 ( and is also a decent post production tool as well.


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