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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Bamber Caught Red Handed - Full Story!

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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 23:33 Edited at: 8th Sep 2005 23:33
In shock revelations earlier today, it was revealed that Lee Bamber, Head Programmer and co-founder of The Gamecreators, has been on the streets of London, selling the as yet unreleased FPSC.

The story unfolded as Rick Vanner, Commercial Director, announced that Mr Bamber was absent from the office. A rapid cover-up saw Rich Davey alleging that Bamber was in fact building a new office.

Batvink, our undercover reporter, set out to find out exactly what was going on, on such an important day in the history of the company. Enthusiastic FPSC fans across the globe were waking up to the exciting prospect of downloading the full version of the software. These early adopters had spent many months frantically building some of the best FPS games ever created by everyday folk like you and me.

Rumours started around an exciting product launch in Piccadilly Square in the heart of London’s entertainment and shopping district. But what our intrepid reporter found was in fact from what the rumours had suggested.

In true Del Trotter style, Bamber was found under the hi-tech, neon signage of the square, stood over a battered, brown suitcase. It was immediately evident that the case was full of the first batch of FPSC software boxes, shining in the mid-morning sun. Further investigation found Mike Johnson, longstanding colleague of Bamber, stood at the top of the Tube stairway, scouting for potential customers and the Old Bill. Johnson scarpered at the first sight of our camera, last seen heading into the Trocadero Game Zone, fumbling through his wallet for change for the 80’s retro arcade machines.

With the lookout gone, we approached Bamber, who had nowhere to hide and too many boxes under his arm to run. At this point, the full story became evident.

This was not a crime driven by the desire for hard cash. It was not driven by greed, or any other line of crime ever seen before. This was in fact a crime of passion, driven by the heart. For the FPSC project was 4 years in the making, and it was time to show the world that the effort had all been worth while. Another 2 weeks was 2 weeks too many for Bamber, who finally cracked under the immense ecstasy of seeing FPSC come to fruition. We congratulate the whole team on their efforts, and forgive Bamber for his desire to give the world FPSC at the earliest opportunity.

We phoned Vanner for a comment, but he was apparently too busy looking for 3 more FPSC boxes to complete the Castle he has spent 3 days building on the floor of his office.


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Posted: 8th Sep 2005 23:40
Very cool! Lee is actually chilling out in a caravan some where in Cumbria. He returns early next week and will be "sorting out" a new office and PC.

You are right, I am too busy with me FPSC Jenga set.

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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 04:01
Very Cool! LOL
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 04:51
A limo is driving down the street. A voice in the back of the limo says "Stop here" The driver pulls over and stops. A man in a brown coat comes up to the window of the Limo. The window rolls down. "Looks cold out here" The man in the brown coat says "A bit nippy but not too bad. Brought the payment?" "Yes, did you bring the goods?" said the man in the limo. The man in the brown coat waves a small package up in the air. "Good says the man in the limo. Let's exchange then." The man in the brown coat gives the man in the limo the package. The man in the limo gives the man in the brown coat a small crate. It reads Stout on side. "Good doing business with you" says the man in the brown coat. "Good doing business with you Lee" says the man in the limo. The window rolls up and the man in the limo drives off. The man in the back of the limo opens the package. "Ahhh FPSCreator V1" the man says as he holds the package. On his middle finger is ring with a gold encrusted S.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 07:42
Poor Lee. He had the press on him before he could blink!

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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 13:29
These things happen sometimes though...

Best Regards,

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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 17:56
it is a shame tho. And I so respected him. lol.
*looks around and whispers* Hey Lee, hows V2 lookin'? I got 75 bucks left over, and who knows, maybe if "droped" a copy of it on my doorstep... well, I might just happen to "drop" my 75 bucks in you hands!*/looks around and whispers*

When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!

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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 21:40
Later that day, Lee returns to his mansion to make another money making scheme.

Lee rings RickV and says "Are we ready to develop FPS Creator Creator?"

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Si vous lisez ceci vous êtes très intelligent ! Ou vous pourriez avoir juste employé l'emplacement de traduction de poissons de Babel !
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 22:34 Edited at: 9th Sep 2005 22:35
Unknown to this "SoulMan" his limo was carrying a passager... a-top was a man in a jet black stealth suit... he slowly removes his pistol and aims...

The limo swerves into the highway, the steel plating is what causes the most dammage, normally the limo would just break apart. But SoulMan's paronia caused him to put bullet proof plating on the car, now he lay in a trap of his own making.

The man drops down, and makes his way to the other side of the vehical, the cops were comming, he will need to make his buisness fast.

SoulMan lay in tatterd clothing, halfout the window, with FPSC V1 in his grubby little hands. Give me the package the man says, "NO... It is MINE I've earned it.", "Do you wish to die here? Give Me the Package!". SoulMan weighs his life against FPSC V1... a very hard choice indeed.

SoulMan hands the stanger the package... the cops were but a few hundred feet away, it is time to conclude this. The man takes his pistol back out, SoulMan looks in horror, "I thought you said you were going to save me", "I am, from prison."

The stranger arrives at Merranvo's house... "Here's the package.", "Were you seen? " The stranger looks at Merranvo like he was about to cut his throught "No" he grunts...

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

"ye oft de adopte early shalt move mountains, and be gods among men"
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 22:53
I have a feeling this story will run and run...and it gets better as it goes.

David T
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 23:22 Edited at: 9th Sep 2005 23:22
Quote: "Lee is actually chilling out in a caravan some where in Cumbria"

Never thought I'd see that combination of words.

The real story is - what was BatVink doing on the LDV vans final day?

"A book. If u know something why cant u make a kool game or prog.
come on now. A book. I hate books. book is stupid. I know that I need codes but I dont know the codes"


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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 23:32

Lol, good one.

*tries to think of witty and original signature*
David T
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 00:03 Edited at: 10th Sep 2005 00:04
Sorry Lee...

"A book. If u know something why cant u make a kool game or prog.
come on now. A book. I hate books. book is stupid. I know that I need codes but I dont know the codes"


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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 01:04
All fake. Obviously all fake. LOL though.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 01:11
Bloody HELL!!!

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

"ye oft de adopte early shalt move mountains, and be gods among men"
Evil stick
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 02:21
good one guys
David T
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 15:19
Quote: "All fake. Obviously all fake."

That's the idea

"A book. If u know something why cant u make a kool game or prog.
come on now. A book. I hate books. book is stupid. I know that I need codes but I dont know the codes"
re faze
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 23:16
better story, anybody know the wherebouts of guy savoie? is he in some cave, honing his programming skills, or is he in some secret dungeon in russia? or guantanamo bay? ill make a flashlight with the darkedit logo in hopes of finding him

(trooper) "we came here to put you out of your misery"
(joseph) "misery? what misery, i love killing people, i love squishing them until their guts come out like chunky mustard!
David T
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 14:15
Quote: "better story, anybody know the wherebouts of guy savoie?"

Very good point.

"A book. If u know something why cant u make a kool game or prog.
come on now. A book. I hate books. book is stupid. I know that I need codes but I dont know the codes"

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