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FPSC Classic Product Chat / TGC needs to have an in-depth tutorial explaining thier FPI Scripting Language with plenty of examples!!!

Dr Who
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 01:44
The reason for this thread is to hopfully get an in-depth tutorial on the FPI Scripting Language showing clear examples and explaining thier meanings of thier syntax in a more meaningful & logical way!

I think personnaly that the language should have more clear & logical syntax than what it currently has..

Merranvo might be the best person to do this tutorial as he seems to be the most experienced in it... But anybody could do this...

Just a suggestion here...

Best Regards,

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 02:08
along the lines of this, a simple tutorial im sure for an advanced scriptor, i need a script that i can apply to a switch that activates a decal, and a hurt zone, and after so many seconds turnes them off. any clue?

Dr Who
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 03:49
Not yet... Im' working on a script to control the lift of an elevator to bring the lift back down to the player and vise-versa...

Best Regards,

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 05:11
oh, like a normal elevator thing, i havnt messed with lifts at all yet, but if you know off the top of your hand a way to shut of decals(dustpuff) by a timer, please post asap, thank you

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 05:35
i beleive the syntax is clear, how else more could it be, but, i agree that a bit more description should be provided.

Music Man
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 06:55
I suggest that those with enough programming savvy and those that understand the script syntax should share a few programming tips or maybe write some simple tutorials


Better yet, a script archive that actually has SCRIPTS in it!!!

I'll do what I can once I have a good handle on the scripting language. I have not really given it the attention it deserves. Up till now I have been messing around and simply trying to learn the editor and sharpen my level editing skills - and having some fun, too!

I am a reasonably good programmer, so this should not be too difficult.

Dr Who
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 11:09
I've programmed in C++, Assembly, Basic for major languages..
Games languages i've coded in are 3D GameStudio's C-Script, BlitzBasic, DarkBasic Pro.

I personally think that the FPI Script language can do its job well, However my point is the actual keyword syntax descriptions is what Im' talking about here. Like Plrhigher=X Could be written like this here: Player_Hight=X would make more sense and is far more easier to understand & is more logical too!

That's my point im' explaining here.

I just wish the command keywords was more clear than they are..

Best Regards,

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 11:15
I agree, I also think TGC could have put in examples for each command, so that users can use them in the correct context.

Dr Who
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 12:26

Best Regards,

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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 13:54
I am learning to much in scripting. I have created a script the HHSystem. I have explain how is works. You can see here:

I will try to make some tutorials, but remember, I am not expert.

I read in the Mike Dev Diarie that are maken tutorials for the physic expanion. I think that is for FPS Creator physics.
Dr Who
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 22:46
That sounds cool Habatar... Thanks for your help..

Best Regards,


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