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FPSC Classic Product Chat / I don't mean to be a pain, but...

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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 16:22
I think this may have been rushed a bit, the release that is. Look, I did a simple map test with a mini gun and barrels. Sure, you can shoot the barrels now and they blow up and fall all over the place...which is cool. However, when you can shoot a barrel to pieces and the round cover of the barrel lands and balances upright 9 times out of 10, I'm sorry but that's not very realistic. Or what about after you blow up a few barrels, turn around and back again and 'poof' the pieces have all just disappeared?

I know, I know, we're not going to be creating Far Cry and Battlefield 2 with FPSC, but at the same time I think there has to be some level of reality to it, don't you? How can we spend weeks/months creating a unique game and then release it to our buddies even for free when these kinds of things are happening? I just don't want to spend a ton of time on something that people are going to say, "LOL, you spend how many weeks on that?". I'd rather them say, "Hey, that was cool. How did you do that? Where can I buy the software?" and then send them on their way to spend money at TGC.

I like the program, I don't think I've wasted my money, and I'm certainly going to have fun with it, but come on man...

--formally FPSCreators--

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The Nerd
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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 16:44 Edited at: 9th Sep 2005 16:45
Quote: "Or what about after you blow up a few barrels, turn around and back again and 'poof' the pieces have all just disappeared? "

I think that this is for speed optimizion
Sure they could make the pieces stay, but there isn't much fun in having them stay if the games gonna run slower after you have destroyed some things
I think it's good that this happens. This is really a choise of having the pieces stay in the level and get a slower game, or have them disappear and get a faster game. And i want them to disappear

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Posted: 9th Sep 2005 17:13 Edited at: 9th Sep 2005 17:15
A fair observation from the point of view of a game engines.

However although it would be nice to have a more advanced one, e.g would it not be nice if objects blown to pieces did so in many more irregular shaped gibb pieces (instead of boxes into 6 square pieces) and such like. Of course it would but we have to be realistic and FPSC is not yet that capable. Hopefully overall the program will be improved as time goes on and I am sure it will.

Certainly there are few engines of this scope that have any Physics capability at all. Currently you may have to use Physics rather wisely and sparingly to get best advantage from it...nice it would be to have raindrops by the million falling and bouncing around according to the laws of gravity, but not very practical.

But point taken. We all would like to see futher advances.....

V2 and beyond hopefully

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