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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Add your own models to FPS Creator? Segment editing and foliage seeding.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 06:12
Hi all,

I am wondering if/when the ability to add .x format meshes and compliled npcs will be supported, as interactive game elements, rather than set dressing. The current demo doesn't include a prefab editor/creator, nor a segment editor/creator. The existing examples are nice, if limited, so some form of developer creativity would be essential for commercial releases. Basically, can you give me some idea of when to expect the editor resources to be available. The engine seems pretty nifty, as it is, and we would love to consider it for a future project.

Also, I noticed shader support (in the menu options) in limited to either "on" or "off". That's pretty basic. To say the least. Will the EU have options for filtering?

Lastly, any plans for foliage seeding?

Thank you for your time.


P.s. Nice ad in MCV, btw.
Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 19:47
In V1 you can copy scripts for similar objects and insert your own models and media. If you need help after getting V1 i would be happy to help.

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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 02:05
I would like to know how to add models to v1
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 11:54
me too
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 15:17
It's extremly simple guys...It's so simple in V1, in EA it was more difficult. The hard things to import is the segments models, the caracters models and the guns models.

The easy things are entitys, the segments textures, the caracters textures and the guns textures.

=-{SKaleX}-= Current Projects: -Insane Killer-=-Chaos Zone-
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 19:33
Thanks Swhale, that sounds promising. I've had no problems integrating.x files (new imported models) into the EA version. My question was more about using them as elements within the segment editor, when it arrives. Walking on, and colliding with, the imported models is less obvious to me. Perhaps all will become clear with the new segment editor.

Lastly, any feedback about foliage seeders? I know they are strictly outdoor graphical elements, but I would be interested to learn if they are possible with FPSC.

Thanks again,

P.s. For those that haven't been able to import x models into the EA version, I found the User Guide more than helpful. Page 77 has a run down of importing x files. I'm glad to hear the process is simplified in V1.

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