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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 14:36
Dont know how relevant this is to the community - but FPSC has a competitor!

Even if it doesn't have MP, or Physics, it does look damn sweet! T spice the thought up, this is actually made in Blitz Max! I have downloaded the demo, tryed it out, and it does look npretty nice. But the ai is a shame.
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 14:42
Appearently, it does have Multiplayer!

Quote: "Or maybe you want to try a Multiplayer Demo featuring a FPS showdown inside a spacestation.

Quote from their website.
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 15:03
csp is nothing like fpscreator i have csp its not really a engine its blitz basic program levels have to be designed in a third party app

eg cartography shop or maplet

and model are 3ds

does not come with multiplayer but there is only a demo out that uses blitzplay

trust me fpscreator far outways anything csp can do and i should know i own a licence for csp engine

fpscreator rules all the way and wipes its feet on other engines
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 15:07
Ok, the info was indeed a bit short on their site. Thank you for your reply, crow34
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 16:37
It's easy to make a game better than that. CHange the models

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 20:24
The comparison is apples and oranges. CSP does not use an integrated development environment like FPSC. For what it is, however, it is a nice product.

I also own a license for CSP.

Relax or I'll hit you with the whip again.
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 21:02
CSP, 3D Rad, 3D game studio, all very different that FPSC, I would suggest the nearest thing would be GCS, now no longer around.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 21:51
GCS? Can you make an extension for that shortening? GCS =
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 22:24
Games creation system. me tinks, I had the full version, but the team Pie in the Sky software folded, you can still get a free early version on the cd that comes with this book.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 23:12
But unfortunately, GCS was the crappiest gaming engine of all time and a total rip off from day 1 - I owned every version hoping it would get better and the rude SOB's from that website could have cared less - and told me so over the phone.

As a company and a product, I'm glad they're dead!!! RIP - Rest in Pieces

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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 00:29
Quote: "But unfortunately, GCS was the crappiest gaming engine of all time and a total rip off from day 1 - I owned every version hoping it would get better and the rude SOB's from that website could have cared less - and told me so over the phone.

As a company and a product, I'm glad they're dead!!! RIP - Rest in Pieces


I have to say, I had no contact with the software team, but if what you say is true? then I would have to agree.

Toshiba,3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb,1.2gig of Ram,Windows XP Home.

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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 00:43
We dont like that kind in here. Looks pretty vaguely amateur to me, just look at the site. Not professional enough, and in some cases, first time appearances have a lot to do with making business. This looks nowhere close to sitting next to fpscreator at the grammy's, yo.


At the time, GCS was good, what you talkin' about. Imagine if that was windows based and worked with 3d models other than 2d sprites. Perfect for making Doom-type games ( like I said 'at the time' ). Would have been a blast for centuries to come...But NOPE, fpscreator came from the heavens and fell to the earth.


I have 3Drad, but to tell you the truth, I dont use it for making games. I use it for my job for walkthroughs of CAD projects. Making games with that thing really does suck, for a non-programmer anyways, but it does have some pro's to that one though. I tend to think Rockstar games used it to make the GTA series, because the games and the software have many similarities.

You are talking to THE dude, I am the dude. T.H.E. dude, there's no other dude like me. The dude is a way of life, you just dont understand.

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