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FPSC Classic Product Chat / walking sounds

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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 08:06
Ever since getting V1 on Wednesday the segment editor I got with EA
has been working great.I have copied and retextured some segments and am trying to make some new ones.My question is how do you change the walking sound.I have changed floor textures on some segments and it sounds weird when walking across gravel to hear metal clanking.Hope someone can help.
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 15:22
You have to retexture a segment that is similar to your new texture. As this, it will sounds like your walking in gravel

=-{SKaleX}-= Current Projects: -Insane Killer-=-Chaos Zone-
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 15:34 Edited at: 11th Sep 2005 15:35
Are you sure there is no way you can put in your own sounds?I have made a new segment using my own meshes and would like my own sounds.Is there a file somewhere you can edit?I can't see anything relating to sounds in the .fps file of the segment.
Music Man
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 16:20
Just edit the sounds in the audiobank dudes. Either keep the names the same or edit the scripts to point to the correct sounding audio files.

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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 17:22
No, i'm not saying you cannot put your own sounds in it! It's because FPSC V1's sounds are great.

=-{SKaleX}-= Current Projects: -Insane Killer-=-Chaos Zone-
Music Man
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 17:27
skalex - no offense to anyone (and to the people responsible for the sounds) - but they are not "great". In my pro audio software, they are noisy, repetitive and in some cases, not very realistic. Now, I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, but as a professional musician, composer and as someone who designs sound fx for corporate multimedia and gaming, I must give my honest opinion.

I will begin making sound fx as an addendum to what already exists. Assuming I am allowed to create audio files better than 8 bit / 22 khz (which automatically introduces hiss into the signal), they should be pristine.

Music Man
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 17:36 Edited at: 11th Sep 2005 17:39
Oh, and I forgot to mention, since I own mobile recording devices and 3D microphones (prossional AKG microphones that "hear" as a human being hears), the sounds will also be in stereo 3D - so they will sound extremely cool. Imagine a gunshot firing off and you hear the report close to your ear and as the bullet speeds away, you hear the hiss of it travelling and can hear it getting softer and softer as it gets farther away.

Works great with sirens, locomotives, anything with doppler fx, for example. Even something as mundane as footsteps sound better in 3D sound!

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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 19:21 Edited at: 11th Sep 2005 19:23
Could someone please explain what I edit in order to change the sound of a foot fall.I cannot find anything in the docs,or looking at the various files,that points to the sound of the player walking across various materials .Sorry for harping on about this but it is important to me.Just to remind everybody this is for the sounds of the player walking across a room segment I have made in the segment editor,and textured myself.
Music Man
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 19:51
Any pathing for sounds is located in the scripts. You have to find the player script and change the path of the soundfile.
Music Man
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 20:12 Edited at: 11th Sep 2005 20:14
well, once again, I answered a question relying on what I read and not checking for myself.

I just checked every single folder inside the FILES area of fpscreator and opened every file that could be opened in notepad. Nowehere that I could find did it show the path for the sound fx, for example, of the player walking on rock as compared to metal, etc. I opened the segments in notepad and saw all the 3d objects and textures, as well as other commands, but no audio commands or paths.

So, does anyone know where this stuff is ACTUALLY located so we can change the sounds and whatnot? I don't measn the audiobank - I am painfully aware of that. I am talking about the scripts that control sound - or the scripts that mention where the sound paths are.
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 22:19
Hi Music Man.That's what I mean.I to searched through all the files and could not find anything relating to this.
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 22:27 Edited at: 11th Sep 2005 22:37
hi... musicman.. cant wait to hear your sound files.. the walking sounds are a bit... weedy really... need something a bit more substantial...

as to your question...found some reference to .wav files here for the tavor..

D :\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\gamecore\guns\scifi\tavor


;weapon spec

;GUN Model File Requirements

;GUN Settings

muzzleflash = 1
muzzlesize = 50
brass = 2
smoke = 1
second = 0
damage = 10
damagetype = 1
scorchtype = 1
reloadqty = 24
iterate = 0
accuracy = 0
zoommode = 1
range = 5000

;GUN Visuals
textured = gun_D2.tga
effect = effectbankBumpCubeReflectAlphaBumpCubeReflectAlpha.fx
transparency = 2
zoomscope = scope2.tga
weapontype = 3

;GUN Sounds
sound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = zoom.wav
sound5 =
fireloop = 5000

;HUD muzzleflash position

horiz = 0
vert = 0
forward = -2
alignx = 5
aligny = -4
alignz = 25

;HUD animation frames list

keyframe ratio = 1
select = 0,9
Idle = 10,38
Move = 39,53
Start fire = 54,56
automatic fire = 57,64
end fire = 65,70
reload = 71,99
cock = 100,115
putaway = 116,124

;HUD sound frames list

soundframes = 4
sframe0 = 57,1
sframe1 = 71,2
;sframe2 = 95,5

seems to be refenced in the text files, not fpi's etc...

theres also a tavor readme text file with reference to teh same directory...

any help ??

Music Man
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 00:54
Yes, I know about the gun sounds and other paths for objects - those were rather obvious. We're referring to the default sounds - like walking on different texture types. Now, I found the link to player grunts and other default noises - it's really just a mention to the correct folder. However, I am still unable to find the link (paths) to any segment specific sounds.

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 00:56
After some experimentation I have found that if you open the FPS file for the segment and find the mesh that is the floor and change the part at the end that says materialindex0 you can change the walking sound.Numbers between 1 and 11 seem to work except 10 for some reason.
Music Man
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 01:00 Edited at: 12th Sep 2005 01:02
And thank you. I will be starting my work on sound fx starting Monday. I plan to organize the newer sounds so that they can be used in place of the sound files currently there. You will be able to just drag and drop them into place (obviously, backup your sounds first). I will then endeavor to create several sets of sounds based on different character types and different model types (guns, etc).

I am also going to be working on new music for FPS Creator - starting tonight. I will be creating a large number of instrumentals for a variety of genres.

It would be helpful to find out what most people are looking for, so if there is any way to poll what kinds of music would be most useful, that would define better my initial direction. Otherwise, I will simply create tunes and see how it goes.

I plan on releasing a small number of sfx and instrumentals free of charge. If I get a good response, then I will create a much larger pack and sell it for a reasonable price. I do intend to create many such "packs" often so as to add fresh content to this newly vibrant community!

Who knows, maybe the Game Creators would like the collection enough to include on their website? We'll see.

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 04:04
yea. where are the sounds files for the segment walking? the lava sounds like your walking through a puddle, not burning feet!

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 05:12
Just change the number for materialindex0 for the part of the segment in the fps file that represents the floor to 6.
Music Man
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 15:14 Edited at: 12th Sep 2005 15:18
Good Job Westray!! That is it.

There is a text file called materialdefault.txt in the audiobank folder (at the bottom) - this is the script file to define all core default player sounds as it related to segments and whatnot.

(I never noticed it because I never scrolled down that far)

I can see that the walk cycles take up the 1st four of every group. The next is destroy for that material type. The next is Impact, and then the last is for Scrape.

Hence: core materials (S I D = [S]crape, [I]mpact, [D]estroy)

so here seems to be the breakdown:

materialindex = 10 : This equals the number of sounds in the file, in this case there are 10 sound groups.

Walk Cycle Sounds: (0 is the index #, name of sound, A=Action?, #=sound in cycle)


Destroy sound:


Impact Sound:


Scrape sound:


Here is the breakdown of 1 core material:

matdesc0 = GenericSoft
matwave0 = audiobankmaterialsground.wav
matwaves0 = audiobankmaterialsgroundS.wav
matwavei0 = audiobankmaterialsgroundI.wav
matwaved0 = audiobankmaterialsgroundD.wav
matfreq0 = 22000
matdecal0 = dust

1st line is the material description
2nd line defines the 1st of the 4 walk cycle sounds (either it uses just that one or it defines the 1st sound and the other three are used automatically - this I have to find out).
3rd line is the "S" sound (see above)
4th line is the "I" sound (see above)
5th line is the "D" sound (see above)
6th line is the audio frequency of the sound
7th line is the decal associated with this material type (I assume).

And, like a REM statement, you can use a ; (semicolon) before any line to comment on whatever you wish to comment.

This is the breakdown and now that I underatand it, I can begin.

I hope this helped somebody.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 11:24
good job muzo-man

International Digital Designer of Mystery
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 11:50
My experience with material numbering sequences (relating to footsteps) is that they also link with the dds files that show bullet holes.
2 = concrete
3 = metal
4 = wood
5 = plaster/glass
so bear that in mind when you tinker with the sound you may have to tinker with the image files that relate to the nominated material number as well.

International Digital Designer of Mystery

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