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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPS Creator crashes when testing my map (Demo Version)

Psycho Warrior
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Posted: 11th Sep 2005 21:21
This is very annoying. I made a long monster-slaughter map called "Prison of Pain", but when i try testing it, it loads the map very slowly and crashes to adding lightmaps. (I waited twice for half an hour, re-started my computer, but it didn't work, and i use full light mapping)
It isn't my computer either, it meets all requirements.
2,93 Ghz, 1024mb RAM, Ati x700 pro 256mb, WinXP.

The premade maps (sci-fi and ww2) work fine.
What's wrong with my map? I checked the starting positions and everything and everything seems fine.
Psycho Warrior
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 15:33
Now i got it working, i turned off light mapping- but still loading the whole map took 15 minutes. Also, i got a runtime error, it said that there was multiple colonel X:s. Then an i got another error and it crashed once again. Can't you place multiple Colonels or what? I don't want to wait for fifteen minutes to test a map either. Good editor but too slow.


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Psycho Warrior
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 20:59
Really sorry to doublepost, but can't anyone help me? I deleted Colonel and lots of other AI but i still get runtime error- object already exists at line 18225. What should i do? I don't want to create a new takes too long time...and i got another annoying thing: The framerate is locked at 10, even on low textures and no dynamic lightning. It stays at ten, no matter how good or worse the graphic settings are.

Psycho Warrior
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 19:50
Really, is nobody able to help? Now this thing gets really annoying. In every little map i create i get the same runtime error. With diffrent objects. Even if i delete the object that causes this, i still get the same error only with diffrent object. I haven't placed multiple entities or anything to the same spot, yet still i get the same runtime error- object already exists at line 18225!

Psycho Warrior
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 20:26
Great. I guess i'll have to uninstall FPSC. If anyone could still help me, here's the maps i made...



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Psycho Warrior
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 20:29
The second one is a sci-fi map, but i can't get it to work just gets the exactly same runtime error "object already exists at line 18225!" None of the objects exist at the same place, or then i'm just too stupid to understand what that means...



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Psycho Warrior
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 15:27
Since nobody cared to help...*uninstalls FPSC* Goodbye.


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