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FPSC Classic Product Chat / What .dds format is needed when saving textures?

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 01:55
I am currently trying to take existing texts and textures and so on already provided and editing them to make them a bit more personal. But i run into a dilemma. I do not know how to save my .dds, there are so many options and it seems as though the one im using isnt working. Could somebody help me here? These are the screens I get and the options available. I have tried to cut parts of the blood texture, and change its color b4 without sucess, and now im trying to alter colors on a decal.

Thank you

Seth Black
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 02:44

Greetings. DDS Convertor 2 is the program you need. DL the .zip that I've provided, and you will be set as far as creating and saving files in the .dds format.

Let me know if this helps.


Seth Black

"...I'm sorry, could you repeat your question a little louder? I'm a trifle deaf in this ear."

- Willie Wonka


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Music Man
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 03:13
Thanks for this file Seth. It solves a problem for me too. However, as a game texturing newbie, I am confused as to HOW I create and paint textures like the ones found in the FPS Creator texturebank folder. Specifically for gantries and walls and celings, they seem to have not one texture, but many textures - this has ALWAYS confused me when I have seen them in books or game textures, etc.

Can anyone explain WHY they have to be that way and how someone creates them / paints them? other textures are just one simple image - I understand those.

Thanks for the help - this is one topic that confuses me greatly.

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 03:24 Edited at: 12th Sep 2005 03:28
i have this prorgam already accually, i was just wondering what channels and stuff to set it on so i can do it from photoshop instead of all this re-compression and stuff.

accually, it still doesnt work, its doing the same thing as before when i altered the .dds textures have a look here...

the outsides of the textures always show up, like the black here, and the white that showed up when I was trying to change the blood texture

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 14:06
Greetings from downunder,

It seems 2 issues are being asked here. Alpha channels and image mapping to polygon faces.

Muzo, do you have access to a 3D modeller that imports .x or .3ds files? If so import an fps .x model and unwrap the texture mapping, you will then see how the modeller has texture mapped/wrapped/baked his/her creation and to what methodology of madness he/she followed.

Swhale the first texture can be a 32 bit targa with alpha. Use the extra channel as a mask and remove the background. FPS will convert the tga into a dds on the fly when you test your level. The other DDS files in the sequence are for bump/height/normals mapping etc

International Digital Designer of Mystery

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