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DarkBASIC Discussion / Question about items

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Joined: 22nd Oct 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 17th Feb 2003 19:17
i have 26 items right now for my game each are sybolized by:

is there a way to say something like:

if any of the Item_no.#= whatever then something happens

so I won have to go down evry single item and say:

if Item_01#= this then do this
if Item_02#= this then do this

plese help
As I walk through the vally of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
- Psalms 23:4
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Posted: 17th Feb 2003 19:27
You my friend are in need of arrays...

check out the online help for info about arrays, under tutorials i think

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Location: United States
Posted: 17th Feb 2003 19:45
ok I got that, thx. but i need to be able to make it as text. but if I set it to item(i)="empty" then it gives me an error.

I need it so it can be used as text too, plese help

As I walk through the vally of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
- Psalms 23:4
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Joined: 27th Nov 2002
Posted: 17th Feb 2003 20:22
You're un need of text arrays...

add $ after the arrays' name, and they'll be able to stocl text

I'm following John, but I'm not john.
Lol, it is funnier in french
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Posted: 17th Feb 2003 21:28
thanks all, that helps a lot

As I walk through the vally of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
- Psalms 23:4
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Location: United States
Posted: 17th Feb 2003 22:30
wait nother problem:

How I use the array data?
I want to make it like this:

for i=0 to 25
if Item$(i)="Sword"
sprite 100,X cordonit array data, y cordonit array data,100
next i

how do I put in and extract the array data for all my items. I know this one is a bit more complex, but much appriciated if I could get soem help.

As I walk through the vally of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
- Psalms 23:4

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