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FPSC Classic Product Chat / How to make your own default sounds for segments and other things

Music Man
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 15:20 Edited at: 12th Sep 2005 15:32
The folder in question is located at the path:


IN THE AUDIOBANK FOLDER AND THEN THE MATERIALS FOLDER there is a text file called materialdefault.txt - this is the script file to define all core default player sounds as it related to segments and whatnot.

I can see that the walk cycles take up the 1st four of every group. The next is destroy for that material type. The next is Impact, and then the last is for Scrape.

Hence: core materials (S I D = [S]crape, [I]mpact, [D]estroy)

so here seems to be the breakdown:

materialindex = 10 : This equals the number of sounds in the file, in this case there are 10 sound groups.

Walk Cycle Sounds: (0 is the index #, name of sound, A=Action?, #=sound in cycle)


Destroy sound:


Impact Sound:


Scrape sound:


Here is the breakdown of 1 core material:

matdesc0 = GenericSoft
matwave0 = audiobankmaterialsground.wav
matwaves0 = audiobankmaterialsgroundS.wav
matwavei0 = audiobankmaterialsgroundI.wav
matwaved0 = audiobankmaterialsgroundD.wav
matfreq0 = 22000
matdecal0 = dust

1st line is the material description
2nd line defines the 1st of the 4 walk cycle sounds (either it uses just that one or it defines the 1st sound and the other three are used automatically - this I have to find out).
3rd line is the "S" sound (see above)
4th line is the "I" sound (see above)
5th line is the "D" sound (see above)
6th line is the audio frequency of the sound
7th line is the decal associated with this material type (I assume).

And, like a REM statement, you can use a ; (semicolon) before any line to comment on whatever you wish to comment.

I hope this helped somebody.

Music Man
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 15:26 Edited at: 12th Sep 2005 15:33
This came from the BunkerFightingAreaCeiling script.

;Segment Parts

partmode0 = 0
meshname0 = meshbankww2franceroomsbunker_fighting_areafloor_a.x
offx0 = 0
offy0 = -51
offz0 = 0
rotx0 = 0
roty0 = 0
rotz0 = 0
texture0 = texturebankww2floorsconcretef_e_01_d2.tga
textured0 = texturebankww2floorsconcretef_e_01_D.tga
texturen0 = texturebankww2floorsconcretef_e_01_N.tga
textures0 = texturebankww2floorsconcretef_e_01_S.tga
transparency0 = 0
effect0 =
colmode0 = 1
csgmesh0 =
csgmode0 = 0
csgimmune0 = 1
lightmode0 = 0
multimeshmode0 = 1
materialindex0 = 2 <------- THIS ONE

That last command refers to which subgroup in the materialdefault.txt file out of the total number of subgroups, so in this case it would mean the subgroup (from the materialdefault.txt file):

matdesc2 = Metal
matwave2 = audiobankmaterials2metal.wav
matwaves2 = audiobankmaterials2metalS.wav
matwavei2 = audiobankmaterials2metalI.wav
matwaved2 = audiobankmaterials2metalD.wav
matfreq2 = 22000
matdecal2 = sparks

(unless the zero is counted as 1 - this I am not sure of yet).

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 15:32
Very interesant. Thanks.
blue squadron
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 02:09
Thanks Music Man. I want as much control over my audio content as possible, and this was very helpful.

Andy Bayless
Music Man
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 14:45
You are welcome - wait till my music and sound fx packs are ready - then you will REALLY be able to take advantage of the great sound for fps creator!!!


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