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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Future Model Packs?

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 18:40

We'd like to get an idea of the type of model packs you would like to see TGC create. Possible themes include:

* Horror/Gore
* Fantasy
* Modern Day
* Environmental (outside)
* City/Office
* Home environment
* Aliens
* Gothic

Let us know, and we'll get cracking!

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 18:44
Trees, trees and more trees, vegatation outside, dont suppose there is any chance of water!
cheers guys.

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 18:58
Western (Saloon, bar, Ranch type items).

C.Herlihy, MCSE
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 19:09
All those themes sound good but i especialy think a modernday model pack would be great as well as an environmental one. I would like to see an urban/city pack as well. Though fantasy models would be cool, i dont thing many people would be able to use them to great effect, fantasy is more suited to RPG or other types of 3rd person instead of FPS.
Perhaps instead of just doing model packs based around themes you could do them based around certain model types such as weapons or characters. I personaly would absolutely love to see a weapon pack with loads of futuristic pistols, machine guns, explosives, rocket launchers and the like. I would like to see a wider variety in weaponry such as motion detecting bombs, laser rifles and homing missiles. Not forgetting non sci-fi weapons like modernday and old weapons.
Perhaps even useable gun turrets or remote controlled weapons like the recon droid in star wars battlefront.
I have also seen requests for a western theme pack, which i think is a great idea.

Well those are my views, i hope they have been of use to you!

The Old Man
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 19:13
If model packs are added, won't the prefabs and segments have to be added to fit the theme? For example, a western model pack (cowboys/indians?) would not work well in a sci/fi or ww2 environment.
Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 19:16
1) Modern Day
2) City, Office & Home environment
3) Fantasy
4) Aliens
5) Envirnomental (outside)
6) Gothic
7) Horror/Gore
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 19:25
I like modernday and City/Office and Home Enviorement.

What is the type of the model pack that is realeasing to october?
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 19:33
Horrorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 20:22
Here's my list (order of choice

1: Outside
2: Modern Day
3: City/Office

I very like these things. It should be awsome to make a pack with one of theses, or all of theses

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Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 22:45
I like :
* Modern Day
* City/Office
* Home environment

All of these can easily be incorporated into many different kinds of games. With a horror model can make horror games, with fantasy, you can make fantasy games. but with office/city and such you can have so many different options to span from there. And I would also like to know, what is the theme of the soon to be released model pack?

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 22:56
Horror/Gore Gothic

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Zero #43
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:04
horror and gore, the scary types, and more weapons. for example: painkiller weapons. stake guns, penetrating nail type guns, futuristic weapons, lazer guns, have enemy characters be zombies and thier animation be walking dead style, with sounds too. and modern day weapons be something like the M249 SAW, the M82AI .50 CAL, heavy weapons, more than the miniguns and stuff, have enemies weild swords and stuff, olden days, use crossbows(stake guns) nail guns, anything that would really hurt, and fit for the scary moment, or futuristic moment, or western moment, or.... you get the idea

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Roger Wilco
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:07
List of packs I would love to see and possibly buy:
1. Modern day.
2. Western. A western theme would definetly be awesome.
3. Enviromental. FPSC needs vegetation!

One thing to look forward to:
The day FPSC v 1 is released
Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:17
ok zero, you named a ton of stuff there, and where did you guys come up with western stuff from? that would be hard, because TGC would have to create in infinate amount of saloons and stuff for there to be any creativity in any game. think about it, your either in a saloon/bar, or sharpshooting in the 'streets', and outside environments dont work very well in FPSC.

Zero #43
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:20 Edited at: 12th Sep 2005 23:20
fine then: HORROR/GORE, and new weapons, and the zombies that walk in the walking dead style, with sounds.

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:26
vietnam stuff

Rik Vargard
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:27 Edited at: 13th Sep 2005 12:26
In order of preference:

1. Fantasy
2. Environmental (outside)
3. City/Office
4. Gothic
5. Modern Day
6. Home environment
7. Aliens
8. Horror/Gore


Zero #43
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:27
you could of just said " everything that you've said "

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:35
ok, just to say i'm not a mod( i just like to fell specail) i think that they should make a desert model pack so we could make a level like that one cool mexican level in multi play or time spliters 2

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:35
of not or

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Zero #43
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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:37
yes, we can all notice that ur not a mod, mods dont double post like that. lol, idk, ya like the one in timesplitters 2, its also in timesplitters future perfect.

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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 00:03
- Mouth movment with enemys.
- A mouse to go with that damn keyboard.
- Zombies, that actually walk and attack like zombies.
- Cars damn it!
- bacon
- cheese
- This guy >
Thats all I can think of right now.
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 00:20
I would LOVE to see a nice set of old west models, mainly the weapons!
A winchester lever action has gotta make it into that pack of you guys decide to do it.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 01:18
1. Modern Day
2. Environmental
3. City/Office

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 01:56
Outside and modernday
Zone Chicken
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 02:03 Edited at: 13th Sep 2005 02:04
I like in the following order the best (imo).

1. Horror/Gore
2. Environmental (outside)
3. Western (Saloon, bar, Ranch type items).
4. Modern Day
5. Fantasy
6. Gothic

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 02:12 Edited at: 13th Sep 2005 02:14
As well as those mentioned I would like to see a Futuristic pack - sci-fi 2 if you like providing a wider range of content which might bridge a gap between modern through to sci-fi. Something that might include futuristic looking vehicles such as futuristic looking cars, tanks or flying craft, additional choice for sci-fi doors, windows, futuristic perfabs like glass domed builings or lifts, bridges

As a general comment on all packs or themes I think more characters pariticulary are needed (they are the hardest for users to make themselves) to encompass both male and feamale and more bystanders are needed - people who can be included in games that are not necessarily enemies that one could stop and talk to or who could carry out normal helpful tasks. e.g. scientist, medic, radio operator.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 03:39
If all of those theme packs were developed and released, I'd probably end up buying all of them. However, to make a choice, I'd go with:

* Modern Day
* Environmental (outside)
* City/Office

I think as it stands right now, those would be the most useful with the existing models we already have. As uman mentioned, additional characters would be great! Not even new models necessarily; maybe just some texture packs that could be applied to our existing character geometry? In previous threads, some other people mentioned A.I.-operated gun turrets. This could be a cool possibilty, but I think most of us would rather have more enemy characters/NPC types. Player-controlled vehicles/gun turrets would also be fantastic to have.

Andy Bayless
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 05:15
yes, i agree with uman totally.

in addition, i'd like to see some alien characters; some cool turret-type weapons; some robotic/bio-mechanoid type critters... the list goes on and on

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 05:16
I have a question, I assume that all this is going to be easily added into our files, and is a true FPSC upgrade, not just a folder full of files that we have to mess with and copy scripts and such for...right?

TGC Development Director
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 07:12
Please just post what you would like to see. All questions should be in another new thread.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 10:33
Outside Objects (Trees etc to make a dark forest type game)

Also how about some odd Jules Verne type victorian machines that no-one really quite knows what it does, like in Myst etc?

Cheers, Buns
mr splatface
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 12:08
definetly horror, fantasy, and modern. also, possibly a medieval theme would be great! (different from fantasy)

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Mr Love
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 12:53
Yeah! Vietnam & Southamerica stuff wourld be cool! Modern soldiers like Arabs, Russians, Chinese, Heavy armour soldiers!
Moving Powerlines.
Fantasy enemys like in Halflife 1, Enemys with electric guns..
Factory stuff, More Cars..
More green stuff like grass, hedge, trees....

Mr Love

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 13:17
Heres one I made that you can mess with.


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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 13:59
* Additional WW2
* More WW2 weapons
* Environmental (outside) (WW2)
* City/Office (WW2)
* Gothic
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 14:49 Edited at: 13th Sep 2005 14:52
All of the above, but if I had to choose - I do want to make outdoor scenes, so anything allowing us to make nearly realistic hills, mountainous passes, lush forests, grass, trees, etc.

Yes, we definitely need a medieval pack - a castle pack - where we can populate forts and castles!!!!

As for indoors, Western, Space themed, lots and lots of filler - things to fill up rooms, warehouses, etc.

Weapons TEMPLATES - where we can then take those more generic pieces and cook up our own far out weapons.

Templates for people - bad guys and women - so that we can cook up our own people.

A library of ready to use ai scripts and other scripts for motion, etc.

I would be purchasing just about any model pack / template pack / weapon pack / filler pack that you talented people come up with - so get em rolling!!!

Oh, and special bundle deals where we can buy the entire kit and kaboodle for one special price. I like Bundles!!!

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 14:53 Edited at: 13th Sep 2005 14:57
I would absolutely love Horror/Gore, and next on my list would be Environmental and Modern. I would pay good money for zombies that act and attack like zombies - i.e: walks slowly instead of run, biting animation intead of shooting, etc. This would be really cool, since you could have really scary games that don't have to be completely fast-paced. For most people, Modern day seems a good choice, but I would seriously pay lots of money for some zombie-like zombies !!!

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 15:29 Edited at: 13th Sep 2005 15:29
Well, I have to say the same as alot of you, I really want a medieval pack would be awesome, however, Magaton Cat is already working on one for our benifit. TGC, you should talk to him about putting them into FPSC V2, it looks like it will be pretty good!
for my list of things I would really like to see:

1) Modern Day
2) City/Office
3) Environmental
4) Medieval
5) Enviormental
6) Vietnam
7) Home Enviorment

When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 15:58
City/Office and Trees are what we need. Without vegetation levels look dull and lifeless. Horror/Gore, Fantasy and Alien appeal the least to me, don't think that's necessary
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 16:06
Quote: "Please just post what you would like to see."

And not what you think is not necessary. Opinions on models vary, what is good for some, may not be for others. Just post 'MODELS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE'.. Simple, and not hard to do.

I myself would like to see


C.Herlihy, MCSE
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 16:06
Could not agree more Gizmogaga, the Horror/Gore, Fantasy and Alien nonsense is simply found in far too many game creation programmes, result is a mass of such games all so similar in story and looks.

Was thinking it would be nice to create America's Army like games too but with a different slant.

AA's big let down is communication between players and that it's multiplayer online only. (Oh and of course the hacks and cheats for it
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 22:18
I am sure a lot of users would like Alien characters in their game. Aliens please..nothing like a good Xenomorph blast (C)Ripley, Hicks and the rest!

My list below:

Aliens/Monsters - Can put these in Sci-fi, Horror and Fantasy
World War II or future war
Fantasy (Dungeons and Dragons type)
Star Wars (any of the films as long as major characters in there)

Aliens/Monsters a must please!
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 03:26
I want some cool mean looking aliens like this

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Halo 1 & 2, Ghost Recon 2, Half-Life 2
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 04:22
More WWII things so we can make towns and cities to fight in. Modern Day, Environmental, City/Office, Gothic, and Horror/Gore would be cool to but I think but making the WWII and sci-fi media bigger would be a better idea.
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 05:18
Barbed wire, fencing, manhole covers(segment),assorted furniture,
debris, electronic equipment panels, pipes, wires, particularly WW2.
alex 1337
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 05:20
Environments and Horror
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 19:26
Mountains and hills, some of which the entities and players should be able to walk on. Trees (desperately needed in FPSC) anything to remove the flatness.

Also bombed out city buildings in France and Germany (WW2).
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 19:49
Horror At very first !!!

yeah...thats the ticket !
Shigidy Wigidy
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 22:36
if modern day is like ghost recon then definately make that a model pack

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