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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Multiplayer fun and problems

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Posted: 12th Sep 2005 23:38

I created a simple multiplayer map today, just to show how it flows in our company lan.

The game itself is fast and smooth, but what else would you expect in a LAN environment.

But I also found some problems:

- you can not see the bullet marks of your enemies. Even if the fire a bunch of ammo clips into your direction. The wall and the ground is perfectly clean.
This means you can not even force your opponent to take cover, because he might not know he is the target of the weapon fire he is hearing.

- doors.
The chateau was part of my map. It has a door which has to be opened manually (press enter to open).
Well, if my opponent runs into the chateau, he has to open the door.
But I see him running through the closed door.
Ok, now I am in front of a closed door (on my game client)
and he is on the other side of his wide open door (on his game client).
In effect, he could kill me very easily, because there was no obstacle in his view.

- physics
Oh well, you can not use grenades, and other projectiles in an FPS multiplayer game???
This is poor.

- decals
It was already mentioned in another thread, but it really looks strange if you shoot at a window and the glass shows wooden bullet marks...

- respawn
If you get killed in a room, why should your respawn in the same room again - even if your killer is still in this room?
This results in a needless frag.
I mentioned this already during the networking demos before release.

FPS Creator is a great piece of software which allows you to create your levels very fast.
But creating the levels is only the development time. The gamer has to be thrilled, too.
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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 07:15
OK, some good feedback there. We will work to improve these aspects.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 16:36
Yes, I've noticed most of these things too, especially about the grenades and stuff. Also the wooden shards coming out of the glass. I also found something about wooden shards coming out of a steel or rock wall.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2005 18:33
What I think the community needs to do as a whole to help Lee out with the feedback is to get together on a chat room somewhere, hash out ideas and submit those ideas to him. We would need to have a MOD or someone to control the conversation. I think that would be a good idea.
I do understand Lee will be working hard on improvements and bugs, but I think if we did it in an orgainzed fashion, it would save him quite a bit of time looking through the forums.

This is as backwards as is This

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