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Program Announcements / NeutralZone - Techdemo

D Man
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 00:58 Edited at: 14th Sep 2005 01:00
Hi everyone,

I did my first Techdemo for the german summercontest 2005 in just 2 weeks (using DBP and under high time pressure, of course).

Every type of media, except the music, is completely generated (using DBPro).

Well, here are some screens:

And the link to download:

Enjoy and feel free to comment.

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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 03:26 Edited at: 14th Sep 2005 03:35
Very interesting...downloading now.

Wow, I love it. Really...havnt been that impressed by DB/P since the first Revolution tech demo.
It's probably more so that this demo is generated media aswell. How did you create such brilliant control over the camera, the motion was complex, but smooth and accurate with constantly varying acelleration and direction. Also the object rippling was quite bafflingly smooth considering how fast it ran !

Only downside I can possibly see is that people with epilepsy will have passed out LONG before the end !

Well Done !

Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 06:40 Edited at: 14th Sep 2005 06:45
Perfect one..
Music, camera, objects, effects..
everything is really good..

Nice visual/maths.. but smooth camera control..
Great work..

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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 11:39
Very nice. Brings back memories of the hundreds of Amiga demos I used to watch.

That camera stuff is excellent.

Not sure about your quote:

Quote: "Every type of media, except the music, is completely generated (using DBPro)."

as there is a folder called 'media' in rar file full of PNG files. I presume you meant to say those graphics were originally created in DBPro. If they were orginally generated in DBPro, why did you not just generate them again in the source?

D Man
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 14:16
Thanks for the great feedback, it makes work always worthy to do .

Quote: "I presume you meant to say those graphics were originally created in DBPro."

You're right with that assumption. I could 've generated them on runtime when the demo loads, but since there was no media size restriction, I decided to pregenerate them to save some loading time.

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Jess T
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Posted: 14th Sep 2005 17:45 Edited at: 14th Sep 2005 17:46
Very Nice...

Only thing that looked a bit off was the lack of a background for the cubes... looked funny just hanging there in the blueness that is default!

Everything else was great! Especially the transitions between scenes!

I remember thinking, whilst looking at the tunnel on the flat panel "Haha, would be cool if the camera just jumped into that all of a sudden..." Then, BAM! In it goes! Wowsers

Great work, mate

[EDIT] Oh, and those Orbiting Spheres reminded me of the beans out of Bean-Bags ( had one burst just recently in my dorm )
... Just thought you might like to know hehe

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Mr Anderson
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 01:11
That was extra cool. Great work with the camera and the still frame to live action.

IDIC (Infinite Diversity Infinite Combinations)

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