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FPSC Classic Product Chat / How can i clear up the library?

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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 01:05

if i selected an entity, that i then in the long run in my project nevertheless do not need, do remain this nevertheless in the library.

After building an exe-file the unused entities are even in the target-directories.

My question is: how can i clear up the library, because the files of the entities are realy large.

Thx 4 your help!


PS: btw: the update was a realy great job!!!
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 10:08

it is even worse.
Even if you only create your level with a single wall segment and a stone floor together with a stair, your game folder will be filled with a large amount of models (weapons + textures) from ww2 and scifi theme.

I have not selected those weapons in the weapon assignment slots, nor are they part of my level.

Hints about how to optimize the game size are welcome.

-- slacer
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 14:51
Currently theres nothing much you can do (safely) about the library and final game folder content.

I believe the whole issue is being looked at and perhaps will be addressed in another release - some time down the road.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 15:36
While we are on the subject of libreries TGC should keep in mind that if they plan on selling content packs they better find a way of encrypting content, otherwise their stuff will be all over the place.
Also, we should have that choice.
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 15:40
A single file .exe would be desirable for all concened.

Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 17:31 Edited at: 15th Sep 2005 17:36
Quote: "While we are on the subject of libreries TGC should keep in mind that if they plan on selling content packs they better find a way of encrypting content, otherwise their stuff will be all over the place.
Also, we should have that choice."

I agree, no only for media content but also for AI scripts (to prevent cheatting). Please see

Regarding the final game's size (exe, media and such), well, that's a very important issue since it could decrease the potential market for a game.

If the size is too large forget a wide distribution through Internet download -not everyone can afford a/o has access to a fast broadband service- what brings the matter of finding other channels of distribution (and with this your final production cost will probably increase).

So this is something that should be addressed with a high priority if FPSC was meant to become a tool for pro design & development -and not only for kids that only want to show they parents & friends the levels they built.
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 17:59 Edited at: 15th Sep 2005 18:08
As I said both issues : Library and Compile : Both areas are under consideration for a major review and possible improvements in line with the many requests that have been made by users since early on in FPSC's history.

There have been many posts regarding these issues and TGC are well aware of the problems faced by users in these areas.

I also personally made representation to TGC regarding improvement to the situation of the way FPSC deals with the library in editor and how it handles the saving of content out to final game folder when Beta testing for V1. I also suggested some major and radical improvements to how levels and final games are compiled in editor and at final game compile stage.

I believe TGC apparently are indeed taking users difficulties in these areas to heart and working towards a resolution. As to exactly what improvements in these areas will eventually make it into the program and when - well I personally dont know........but improvements are on the cards.

Unless I am incorrect in interpreting TGC thinking that is and I am frequently ....

Until then theres nothing that can be done by us users but wait. Improvements are coming.........

As to a single .exe that can be achieved by other methods so perhaps TGC wont see that issue as being as high a priority as Library and other Compile issues which are FPSC specific and cant be overcome any other way.

Sorry I cant help further

Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 18:29 Edited at: 15th Sep 2005 18:32
"single exe" a high priority? What I posted was about the final "size" of all the output (what has to do with "Library & other Compile issues").

Didn't mention that all should be packed as a single exe file since I know it "can be achieved by other methods".
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 18:50
Single .exe relates to encrypting content - Library and other compile issues relate to content and size of as saved by FPSC in the fnal compile. If you dont undersatnd the issues involved in that then I cant help you too. Forget I mentioned it.
Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 18:57
Quote: "If you dont undersatnd the issues involved in that then I cant help you too"

Actually I do understand it since we were talking about the same. I never talked about single exe but size.

Maybe I should practice my writting skills in English a bit more ...
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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 19:28

Actually originally, I was not particularly relplying to your post although it may have followed a post of yours. I was making a general comment on the issues of file sizes and how they are linked to the compile and library issues in an attempt to try to be helpful to anyone reading this thread by saying that TGC are aware and are working to a resolution.

Obviously a single .exe would protect the game content - but that single .exe should not include anything that our game does not require and the way the editor library and game compile works needs to be updated to allow that to happen - indeed whether or not we ever get the ability to compile to a single .exe by default or not.

Hope that helps to clarify what I was trying to say. There is no conflict with anyones requests here in what I am saying.


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Posted: 15th Sep 2005 20:15
What I think we need a file pack format, something along the lines of .pak
By the way, for those interested, id software never copyrighted or patented .pak, .mdl, .md2, .md3, or any of their file formats.

This is as backwards as is This
Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 00:37

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