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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Humvee comp crash!

Jordan Siddall
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Location: UK
Posted: 16th Sep 2005 02:28 Edited at: 16th Sep 2005 02:31
I put the humvee in a level, got a rocket laucher and shot it many times and then, my pc rebooted!

Whats wrong?
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 02:38
Random virus?

BOOM! Awww shucks! There goes the world. again.
Jordan Siddall
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Joined: 1st Mar 2004
Location: UK
Posted: 16th Sep 2005 02:41
It happend again! I think it's the rockets. If I shoot too many, my comp can't talke it and reboots.

But my graphics card is pretty good and my pc can handle alot...
Somebody needs to try it, make ur rocket have 20 ammo or something. Shoot as many times as you can, if it crashes and reboots, Lee needs to know.

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