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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 03:13 Edited at: 16th Sep 2005 03:13
When I blow up the humvee and tip it over, it goes transparent in the wheels and other places... Anyone else have this problem?

Attachment image.
Sorry about lighting.


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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 03:26
howd u get the humvee? i thought the model pack wasnt released yet

Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 03:33
hehe, the team forgot to take it out. It's hidden.
Back on topic please.
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 04:01
HIDDEN!!!! No way.

If you would tell me whee, I could try it and see.

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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 04:06
somewhere on the segment librarry under common.

BOOM! Awww shucks! There goes the world. again.
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 10:25
Back to topic ladies.
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 10:51
You were right about the lighting, Jordan ! 1 Thing - in that picture, I couldn't see any part of the Humvee invisible... or anything for that matter !

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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 11:32
wot's your game called Alone in the dark!

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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 11:58
Quote: " wot's your game called Alone in the dark!"





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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 13:00
Actually i'm having a simmilar problem, but its not just the Hummvee i am getting a lot of tearing in the walls..mmmm just going to check my graphics drivers i think i am using ati catalyst 5.8 wot are your drivers Jordan?

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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 16:25 Edited at: 16th Sep 2005 16:26
Radion 250mb or something.
I also said "sorry for the lighting"
Mr Love
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 16:52
I also have a transparant problem. I think this bug are caused by the quick lightmapping I used but I might be wrong. Here is a picture of the problem.. I created the wall and floor in segment editor.. I hope this picture can help LEE to find the problem!

Mr Love

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Mr Love
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 16:53
here is the picture...

Mr Love

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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 16:55 Edited at: 16th Sep 2005 17:00
To Jordan Siddall
So you have an ATI card aswell... what's your catalyst version number?

Quote: "I also said "sorry for the lighting""

sorry bout the joke didnt mean to offend

To everyone
Anybody else using catalyst 5.8 having any graphics problems???

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Mr Love
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Posted: 16th Sep 2005 17:28
No, it is not the lightmapping I turned it off and the problem is still there. Very strange, I hope this is a demo-thing!

Mr Love

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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 03:26
Quote: "To everyone
Anybody else using catalyst 5.8 having any graphics problems???"

Yes i am, but they go way beyond what is shown here.
I'll post up some photos and vids later of what is going on with me.
But pretty much i am having :

texture bleeding

dual textures showing on segments and object like the object is texture twice (note this is even on prefabs of a single room so im not overlaying the polys)

objects and segments completly invisable

however all these problems only occur when i set shading on if i turn shading off everything is perfect.

I had no problems with the EA version on my current graphics card also.

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Mr Love
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 03:30
Here is the problem from another angle. I have tryed everything to solve this problem but nothing seems to work!

Mr Love

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Mr Love
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 03:38
I didnt use shading. My problem are There even if I turn everything off. Transparant walls is a pretty serious bug!
So I will cry again...

Mr Love

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Mr Love
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 04:41
I have found it! (I am very sure) The transparant bug starts after I have killed all three enemys in My DEMO! Now it shourld be very easy for LEE to find the problem and correct it!
If I am right I think I shourld have a free EA Modelpack or something. (LOL!)

Mr Love

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Alucard Hellsing
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 13:37
The humvee is not under segments:common. please tell me exactly where it is. or better yet please post/email the file to me and other users. believe me... you will become quite popular.
Alucard Hellsing
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 13:39
please post the humvee file on the forum. for everyone to download and enjoy. please be a real gamer.
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 14:24 Edited at: 18th Sep 2005 14:26
Sorry i've not had much spare time this weekend, there are issues if you are using ATI cards and catalyst 5.8 i am in the process of testing as many catalyst drivers as possible i will post my findings here.

if any mods are reading this can we start a bug thread for FPSC V1?

for everybody whos asking where the humvee is as long as you have done a default installation you can find the mesh here:
Crogram FilesThe Game CreatorsFPS CreatorFilesmeshbankmoderndaysceneryspecialhumvee

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Mr Love
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 15:39
Strange, I did mess around with the waypoints and sence then My Transparant "error" is gone! Praise the lord!!!

Mr Happy

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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 20:17
Quote: " please post the humvee file on the forum. for everyone to download and enjoy. please be a real gamer."

Are you serious? Don't you know that it is supposed to be a sold product? Nothing else than asking for someone to rip a Half-Life 2 Serial for you. And in a public forum! Shame on you!

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