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Program Announcements / InSwap is out!

The Cage Complex
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 05:05 Edited at: 17th Aug 2006 05:44
** edited **
This is now the final release (1.5) summer'06

Like we say here: "Champaaaaagne!!!!"
At last my first post in this thread!

So is InSwap "ready". I now keep one week for beta-testing...

Be please indulgent, this is a very small prod made for a first experience in DBP. Verdict of this test: DBP rulezzzzzz !!!
Better and really more achieved prods are to come.

Back to InSwap... It's a ZooKeeper / Bejeweled clone, but I wanted it faster (I do hate waiting between each swaps in Zoo Keeper...)

I don't want to improve this game, but if you find bugs or things ennoying, please tell!

hope you'll enjoy.

General Sephiro
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 06:36 Edited at: 18th Sep 2005 07:23
Just after tryn it out, very nice been waitn a while for this one

Well back i go to playing it

I think the intro's changed since last time i seen it O_o, prefered the old intro

Edit: waw, that game is addictive O.O, nice job again

Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 08:47
Congrats.. it is pretty cool

The worst foe lies within the self..
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 13:18
Very fun and addictive!

By the way, you spelt Exit wrong on the main menu .

Anyway, top notch game. I think I'll be playing this one for a while!

Got to love Resident Evil 0! Currently playing for the: 5th time
Peter H
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 16:08
sweet game!

the graphix are t3h l337z0rz (good)


"We make the worst games in the universe."

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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 18:06
Great gfx
Great sfx
Great gameplay

-> Addictive!

Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 18:31
Wow Cage Complex. That was amazing. That's your first DB game? I'm embarrassed. Pong y2k just felt the burn.

That was slick, well designed, and appeared to be well coded. I'm actually going to keep it on my computer.

The Cage Complex
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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 19:23
Thank's dudes!

Quote: "That's your first DB game? I'm embarrassed. Pong y2k just felt the burn."

Don't think so! That's my first full release in DBP, but I'm working on other Dark Basic prods since a couple of month.

I can't have any proud of InSwap, just be happy because that's my first game since about 8 years, and above all, my first game on PC since 1991! (my last one used CGA graphics, 8 bits 10 Mhz CPU and a buzzer )

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Posted: 18th Sep 2005 20:17
Really nice game , graphics, sounds and gameplay are very professional. Hiscore : 16000 (so hard)

Tu devrais le montrer a la communeauté francaise de db (c'est rare d'avoir des bons jeux )
Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 03:27
Quote: "that's my first game since about 8 years, and above all, my first game on PC since 1991! (my last one used CGA graphics, 8 bits 10 Mhz CPU and a buzzer "

Sounds like me. The last half project I almost completed was a Sierra style point and click menu driven adventure game engine years ago. But, alas, my 286 was too slow and it sucked. Whatever DBPs shortcomings are, it allowed me to complete a game.

The Cage Complex
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 19:24
Math89 > ouais j'étais déjà allé faire un tour sur le forum francophone, mais j'avais pas vu une ambiance de grande productivité... Ca a l'air de davantage parler que ça ne code et j'avais donc pas approfondi. J'y retournerai faire un tour tout de même, faut qu'j'arrête d'être médisant

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