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FPSC Classic Product Chat / An FPSC Competition Idea

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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 01:33
I'm of the opinion that the FPSC site is in need of some sample games (official). I'd like to suggest TGC have a competition, with prizes of course, to create two sample games that would be adopted as the "official sample games".

One game should be using only the included media. The second can be wide open. Having two would demonstrate what FPSC can do without customization and what it can do using 3rd-party models, textures, and other scripting techniques.

The need I think is obvious. Potential customers can read about FPSC and even see video files of the editor in action. But, they can't 'experience' what the software can do in a real game.

Anyway, just an idea for consideration. Don't "slap" or "ban" me for it.

--formally FPSCreators--

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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 01:35
And why the hell would a mod slap or ban you for it?!
Thats a GREAT idea! I'm all for it!

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

Shigidy Wigidy
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 01:35 Edited at: 19th Sep 2005 02:14
and a multiplayer map competition

Link thanks merranvo
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 01:45
Wait for ME... come on DOWNLOAD... stupid 56k...

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:13
HA HA HA! Dialup is gay! But Why are you stuck on it? Did you move?

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

Evil stick
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:15
I'd love this.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:21
I'd go for it. Just as long as there are some realistic rules restrictions, nothing too weird.

Maybe like 2-3 month completion time limit. You could posably also have prizes of best graphics, gameplay, use of FPSC features, or story for multilevel games and such.

Now if only I could get this runtime error problem fixed =/
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:24
And I'd win, cause I've had MONTHS to complete mine.

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:26
Awsome idea Anastasi! And =ChrisB=, watch your a$$, i would kick it with my game joke

=-{SKaleX}-= Current Projects: -Insane Killer-=-Chaos Zone-
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:30
Come on... we ALL know I would win... As of this moment ALL SCRIPTS ARE DOWN!!!!

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

"ye oft de adopte early shalt move mountains, and be gods among men"
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:36
Merranvo, your game would be more complex than our, but it would sucks joke

=-{SKaleX}-= Current Projects: -Insane Killer-=-Chaos Zone-
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:41
Yeah... but atleast my AI will do what I want it to do...
And I could have stuff that none of you could dream of...
and Best of all... A PHYISCS GUN!!!

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 02:47
You don't need AI in an mp game, ladies .

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 03:15
COME ON, a game compared to a simple MP...

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

"ye oft de adopte early shalt move mountains, and be gods among men"
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 03:21 Edited at: 19th Sep 2005 03:21
Yes, well the way I see it, if you put your hart into it and don't get sidetracked, then anything is possible. Or as TGC would say, "THe Possibilities Are Endles". Now hmm, that sounds pretty damn farmilier.

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 00:25
I think the possiblitys are limited...

P.S. TGC, come ON!!! we don't need another puzzel compo..

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

"ye oft de adopte early shalt move mountains, and be gods among men"
Evil stick
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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 02:18
I told whoever answers the questions from the website about this. He said they would consider it after V1 is officially released. (22nd)
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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 02:29
Quote: " I think the possiblitys are limited..."

Pessimisst .

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

Lost in Thought
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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 03:01
I think they should wait a bit before having a compo, to let more people buy and get used to FPSC, to make the compo more interesting. Not everyone was an EA buyer (losers ... j/k). Also I think that MP should not be allowed in the compo as it is hard to get enough testers to play at one time and truely judge the games.

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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 17:47
A truly great idea. Not at least to see what you guys have been working on... And i agree with Lost in Thought. With MP, there wouldn't be a story(?), no new gameplay, and after all, in my opinion, the story builds the game. Check out Return to Castle Wolfenstein. A lot of story in that FPS, or jsut as much, check out HL2. Reference material is endless on the FPS front...
Shigidy Wigidy
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Posted: 21st Sep 2005 02:03
everyone go against my idea then lol

Link thanks merranvo
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Posted: 21st Sep 2005 19:13
SP games are fun to create. MP is also fun to create, but sometimes it gets pretty hollow...


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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 00:36
RTCW had very little story, just complex happenings...

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

"ye oft de adopte early shalt move mountains, and be gods among men"

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