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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Missing entities and not being able to impliment my own.

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Joined: 17th Sep 2005
Location: wee
Posted: 19th Sep 2005 07:40
I've noticed that some of the entities are missing, when selected and placed onto the map there is no mesh, just the round glowing thing that shows its selected. Most of the time when you place the entitie the program crashes in the Runtime error 7008 or 7007 and shuts down from there. I have also been unable to add my own entities, placing them into the correct folders, but nothing shows up. I've noticed little differnce between the EA version and this version, if that could be part of the problem.

I belive these missing entities being placed on another map of mine is the reason for the runtime errors while trying to build the game executable.

Anyone know what the problem might be?
Evil stick
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Joined: 27th Mar 2005
Posted: 19th Sep 2005 13:46
ok, I know that this isn't the error you get, but try this.
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Joined: 17th Sep 2005
Location: wee
Posted: 20th Sep 2005 02:02
I've done that, several times.

Somehow just today I was able to see the entities that would crash the program before, but I still don't know what I'm doing wrong about implementing my own entities.

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